Taglist-like Vim plugin for Rust?

I had a similar problem with Tagbar, but it turns out that universal-ctags has better native Rust support and this can be integrated with Tagbar in a nice way.

  1. Build and install universal-ctags
  2. Put the following in your .vimrc:
let g:rust_use_custom_ctags_defs = 1
let g:tagbar_type_rust = {
  \ 'ctagsbin' : '/path/to/your/universal/ctags',
  \ 'ctagstype' : 'rust',
  \ 'kinds' : [
      \ 'n:modules',
      \ 's:structures:1',
      \ 'i:interfaces',
      \ 'c:implementations',
      \ 'f:functions:1',
      \ 'g:enumerations:1',
      \ 't:type aliases:1:0',
      \ 'v:constants:1:0',
      \ 'M:macros:1',
      \ 'm:fields:1:0',
      \ 'e:enum variants:1:0',
      \ 'P:methods:1',
  \ ],
  \ 'sro': '::',
  \ 'kind2scope' : {
      \ 'n': 'module',
      \ 's': 'struct',
      \ 'i': 'interface',
      \ 'c': 'implementation',
      \ 'f': 'function',
      \ 'g': 'enum',
      \ 't': 'typedef',
      \ 'v': 'variable',
      \ 'M': 'macro',
      \ 'm': 'field',
      \ 'e': 'enumerator',
      \ 'P': 'method',
  \ },
\ }
  1. Restart vim and enjoy!