Strings on stack much faster than String

Can Rust be fast, if String manipulation all happens on the heap? Granted, slices and GC-lessness mitigate this somewhat, but string-processing can still be a painful lot of allocating!

I did a (beginners) proof of concept of strings on the stack. Naturally they can't grow beyond the allocated memory, but that's often fine. I have 2 types, FixedString for formatting stuff like e.g. ISO-dates or UUIDs. And SizedString of any length within a fixed buffer, for known-max-size things like numbers or natural dates (depending on longest month- and day-name).

Any short string fully fitting about into the 24 bytes, which String needs for its metadata alone, is a natural winner. The rest of what Bencher found is startling. The times within each type grow fairly plausibly with size, so I hope I got black_box right.

I run 9 string types, except incompatible flexstr, kstring & smol_str (all immutable), through the same 2 test scenarios:

  • Base instantiates (copying in a &str) and modifies one byte
  • Move does the same, but moves it out of a block once (which for my types means also copying the full data)

These 2 tests are run for an input of a round length, and again for the same length + 1 (just overflowing a round memory size.) This gives 4 related tests per type. The factors from one type to another are stunning. String only gradually starts to compensate the heap overhead around 4 kibibytes. And the types optimized to have an advantage up to 24 bytes… don't. I have reformatted the Bencher output, putting 4 times ns/iter onto 1 row:

 Len Type                         Base           Move           Base + 1       Move + 1
   2 ArrayString<2>               3 ns ±0       10 ns ±1        3 ns ±0       10 ns ±0
     ArrayString<4>               3 ns ±0       10 ns ±1        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0
     FixedString<2>              12 ns ±0        7 ns ±1        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±1
     SizedString<4>               7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0        6 ns ±0       65 ns ±17
     SizedString<2>               7 ns ±0       68 ns ±2        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±3
     String                     158 ns ±12     196 ns ±131    157 ns ±9      340 ns ±275
     CompactString<2>           181 ns ±10     253 ns ±11     180 ns ±10     256 ns ±23
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   201 ns ±11     319 ns ±19     201 ns ±42     326 ns ±113
     SmartString<Compact>       202 ns ±101    317 ns ±27     201 ns ±9      393 ns ±102

   4 FixedString<4>               4 ns ±1        7 ns ±0        7 ns ±1       10 ns ±1
     ArrayString<4>               4 ns ±0       10 ns ±2        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±3
     ArrayString<8>               8 ns ±1       10 ns ±0        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0
     SizedString<8>              17 ns ±0       23 ns ±2       17 ns ±3       23 ns ±11
     SizedString<4>               7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0        5 ns ±0       65 ns ±13
     String                     161 ns ±16     186 ns ±9      153 ns ±13     183 ns ±11
     CompactString<4>           182 ns ±22     252 ns ±10     180 ns ±11     252 ns ±10
     SmartString<Compact>       202 ns ±12     321 ns ±20     201 ns ±34     318 ns ±10
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   201 ns ±10     318 ns ±11     201 ns ±38     324 ns ±56

   8 FixedString<8>               3 ns ±0        8 ns ±1        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0
     ArrayString<8>               7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0       10 ns ±1       14 ns ±0
     ArrayString<16>             14 ns ±2       17 ns ±0       14 ns ±1       17 ns ±0
     SizedString<16>             19 ns ±0       23 ns ±2       14 ns ±0       24 ns ±2
     SizedString<8>              19 ns ±1       22 ns ±1       19 ns ±2       23 ns ±6
     String                     159 ns ±25     188 ns ±10     164 ns ±136    195 ns ±10
     CompactString<8>           167 ns ±34     234 ns ±10     174 ns ±6      245 ns ±11
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   208 ns ±9      336 ns ±126    208 ns ±10     317 ns ±14
     SmartString<Compact>       255 ns ±126    337 ns ±53     208 ns ±6      318 ns ±40

  16 FixedString<16>              3 ns ±0        7 ns ±0        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0
     ArrayString<32>             14 ns ±1       17 ns ±0       14 ns ±3       18 ns ±2
     ArrayString<16>             14 ns ±0       17 ns ±1       21 ns ±6       21 ns ±2
     SizedString<16>             11 ns ±0       22 ns ±2       19 ns ±0       27 ns ±11
     SizedString<32>             18 ns ±0       23 ns ±5       19 ns ±1       24 ns ±4
     String                     159 ns ±137    190 ns ±11     166 ns ±43     193 ns ±15
     CompactString<16>          163 ns ±9      234 ns ±14     181 ns ±8      253 ns ±16
     SmartString<Compact>       212 ns ±26     321 ns ±42     209 ns ±10     320 ns ±24
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   214 ns ±42     320 ns ±15     208 ns ±7      321 ns ±22

  24 FixedString<24>              7 ns ±0       10 ns ±0        7 ns ±0       10 ns ±1
     SizedString<24>             20 ns ±5       22 ns ±2       17 ns ±1       22 ns ±2
     SizedString<48>             21 ns ±1       26 ns ±3       19 ns ±4       24 ns ±1
     ArrayString<48>             17 ns ±0       21 ns ±6       86 ns ±5       50 ns ±4
     ArrayString<24>             17 ns ±1       21 ns ±2       76 ns ±12      65 ns ±6
     String                     170 ns ±46     182 ns ±42     167 ns ±117    212 ns ±143
     CompactString<24>          130 ns ±6      280 ns ±505    291 ns ±48     332 ns ±59
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   444 ns ±40     526 ns ±33     440 ns ±228    541 ns ±203
     SmartString<Compact>       443 ns ±37     527 ns ±124    438 ns ±124    702 ns ±533

  32 FixedString<32>              7 ns ±0       10 ns ±1       10 ns ±0       14 ns ±1
     SizedString<32>             19 ns ±2       25 ns ±3       20 ns ±2       24 ns ±5
     SizedString<64>             23 ns ±2       25 ns ±3       17 ns ±2       23 ns ±1
     ArrayString<32>             25 ns ±2       28 ns ±6       79 ns ±16      65 ns ±6
     ArrayString<64>             89 ns ±5       95 ns ±14      86 ns ±10      54 ns ±3
     String                     167 ns ±29     201 ns ±39     167 ns ±39     199 ns ±63
     CompactString<32>          288 ns ±50     333 ns ±58     297 ns ±106    330 ns ±55
     SmartString<Compact>       440 ns ±84     546 ns ±120    442 ns ±89     537 ns ±41
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   441 ns ±124    539 ns ±177    668 ns ±492    540 ns ±136

  64 FixedString<64>             14 ns ±1       18 ns ±1       18 ns ±1       21 ns ±7
     SizedString<64>             23 ns ±2       25 ns ±2       25 ns ±2       28 ns ±1
     SizedString<128>            32 ns ±3       37 ns ±7       27 ns ±9       28 ns ±2
     ArrayString<64>             29 ns ±3       32 ns ±16      85 ns ±6       71 ns ±7
     ArrayString<128>           108 ns ±6      111 ns ±8      119 ns ±7       79 ns ±8
     String                     173 ns ±69     200 ns ±158    169 ns ±83     200 ns ±29
     CompactString<64>          285 ns ±51     328 ns ±70     303 ns ±59     338 ns ±37
     SmartString<Compact>       440 ns ±89     553 ns ±118    456 ns ±56     570 ns ±370
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   436 ns ±43     552 ns ±60     457 ns ±126    623 ns ±302

 128 FixedString<128>            28 ns ±2       32 ns ±3       46 ns ±3       47 ns ±13
     SizedString<128>            35 ns ±23      36 ns ±4       58 ns ±12      66 ns ±39
     SizedString<256>            61 ns ±15      59 ns ±9       59 ns ±10      66 ns ±10
     ArrayString<128>            46 ns ±3       50 ns ±6      104 ns ±8       86 ns ±8
     ArrayString<256>           223 ns ±21     225 ns ±61     217 ns ±20     127 ns ±15
     String                     184 ns ±35     202 ns ±19     211 ns ±47     236 ns ±21
     CompactString<128>         322 ns ±47     356 ns ±78     332 ns ±49     362 ns ±59
     SmartString<Compact>       468 ns ±72     557 ns ±106    479 ns ±77     576 ns ±111
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   470 ns ±112    557 ns ±114    482 ns ±136    586 ns ±94

 256 FixedString<256>            46 ns ±4       50 ns ±3       49 ns ±4       50 ns ±4
     SizedString<256>            61 ns ±12      60 ns ±6       55 ns ±7       57 ns ±11
     SizedString<512>            79 ns ±6       82 ns ±17      56 ns ±37      58 ns ±47
     ArrayString<256>            54 ns ±4       65 ns ±45     220 ns ±20     138 ns ±29
     String                     215 ns ±83     232 ns ±49     217 ns ±29     241 ns ±46
     ArrayString<512>           302 ns ±27     309 ns ±42     279 ns ±29     155 ns ±12
     CompactString<256>         338 ns ±40     373 ns ±82     342 ns ±41     376 ns ±88
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   490 ns ±93     583 ns ±66     516 ns ±82     610 ns ±119
     SmartString<Compact>       493 ns ±159    592 ns ±117    541 ns ±287    599 ns ±59

 512 FixedString<512>            74 ns ±2       79 ns ±5       75 ns ±25      72 ns ±6
     SizedString<512>            79 ns ±7       80 ns ±13      81 ns ±43      81 ns ±16
     SizedString<1024>          134 ns ±21     136 ns ±35      79 ns ±12      81 ns ±12
     ArrayString<512>            90 ns ±7       95 ns ±29     319 ns ±76     203 ns ±36
     String                     241 ns ±89     265 ns ±50     242 ns ±30     263 ns ±64
     CompactString<512>         366 ns ±53     397 ns ±32     368 ns ±102    402 ns ±41
     ArrayString<1024>          466 ns ±37     448 ns ±62     433 ns ±53     238 ns ±25
     SmartString<Compact>       595 ns ±89     668 ns ±56     587 ns ±99     683 ns ±154
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   593 ns ±75     668 ns ±134    606 ns ±344    709 ns ±479

1024 FixedString<1024>          134 ns ±34     136 ns ±28     135 ns ±22     164 ns ±165
     SizedString<1024>          132 ns ±15     136 ns ±15     133 ns ±20     179 ns ±54
     SizedString<2048>          270 ns ±152    261 ns ±64     152 ns ±9      202 ns ±56
     ArrayString<1024>          149 ns ±23     151 ns ±27     491 ns ±56     325 ns ±77
     String                     293 ns ±107    320 ns ±82     299 ns ±245    451 ns ±351
     CompactString<1024>        425 ns ±88     466 ns ±87     448 ns ±142    475 ns ±88
     ArrayString<2048>          753 ns ±99     730 ns ±137    727 ns ±81     446 ns ±90
     SmartString<Compact>       685 ns ±130    767 ns ±125    687 ns ±129    996 ns ±271
     SmartString<LazyCompact>   680 ns ±170    777 ns ±101    688 ns ±151   1077 ns ±848

2048 SizedString<2048>          249 ns ±98     260 ns ±50     480 ns ±63     478 ns ±24
     FixedString<2048>          343 ns ±51     275 ns ±46     465 ns ±58     457 ns ±53
     ArrayString<2048>          342 ns ±78     267 ns ±39     866 ns ±102    560 ns ±183
     SizedString<4096>          686 ns ±123    670 ns ±97     499 ns ±41     499 ns ±171
     String                     830 ns ±107    808 ns ±130   1002 ns ±236   1022 ns ±252
     CompactString<2048>       1234 ns ±320    918 ns ±74    1069 ns ±195   1135 ns ±235
     SmartString<Compact>      1741 ns ±210   1851 ns ±427   2164 ns ±377   2164 ns ±2
     ArrayString<4096>         2839 ns ±646   2249 ns ±216   2162 ns ±185   1201 ns ±126
     SmartString<LazyCompact>  2206 ns ±526   1885 ns ±394   2361 ns ±279   2165 ns ±598

4096 SizedString<4096>          663 ns ±125    667 ns ±94     919 ns ±111    931 ns ±94
     FixedString<4096>          808 ns ±126    804 ns ±77     822 ns ±272    816 ns ±106
     SizedString<8192>         1152 ns ±270   1131 ns ±129    922 ns ±96     919 ns ±69
     String                    1011 ns ±119   1212 ns ±154   1057 ns ±438   1369 ns ±225
     CompactString<4096>       1136 ns ±304   1362 ns ±226   1329 ns ±139   1185 ns ±101
     ArrayString<4096>          923 ns ±103    919 ns ±91    2522 ns ±476   1826 ns ±773
     SmartString<LazyCompact>  2440 ns ±384   2802 ns ±1     2797 ns ±229   2538 ns ±441
     SmartString<Compact>      2415 ns ±323   2707 ns ±362   2454 ns ±426   3152 ns ±236
     ArrayString<8192>         5932 ns ±3     4559 ns ±691   4251 ns ±382   2344 ns ±828

8192 SizedString<8192>         1132 ns ±217   1128 ns ±112   1630 ns ±509   1595 ns ±128
     FixedString<8192>         1575 ns ±110   1589 ns ±262   1580 ns ±140   1592 ns ±143
     String                    1887 ns ±477   1900 ns ±299   1964 ns ±187   2094 ns ±360
     CompactString<8192>       2082 ns ±157   2121 ns ±500   2103 ns ±213   2646 ns ±1
     ArrayString<8192>         1587 ns ±124   1603 ns ±137   4731 ns ±760   2833 ns ±388
     SmartString<LazyCompact>  4337 ns ±584   4423 ns ±633   4381 ns ±959   4282 ns ±309
     SmartString<Compact>      6373 ns ±4     4422 ns ±850   4364 ns ±482   4290 ns ±907
     SizedString<16384>       12003 ns ±1     6921 ns ±786   1883 ns ±747   1598 ns ±174
     ArrayString<16384>       12786 ns ±2    11793 ns ±1    12616 ns ±1     7089 ns ±660

Currently my types can mostly "xxx".into(), Display and modify as unsafe { s.as_bytes_mut()[0] = b'-' }. Ideally they would share a common trait with String, doing everything they can, i.e. except ::with_capacity(), .reserve() or .as_mut_vec(). For .push()/+= SizedString would need variants that silently ignore overflowing (???) or panic. Where the compiler can determine that it would under- or overflow, it should give an error (e.g. let s: FixedString<4> = "ab".into(); or let mut s: SizedString<4> = "ab".into(); s += "cde";)

Most importantly, I'd love an untyped let s = format!() to directly write into FixedString if size can be calculated at compile-time (e.g. "{year:04/}-{month:02/}-{day:02/}" suggested truncate-if-bigger syntax), SizedString if max-size can be determined, else String. Else context type (e.g. let s: SizedString<20> = format!()) would be used.

I have a Playground, but sadly it doesn't offer cargo bench, so you should copy it to your own nightly (only coz of Bencher, my classes are stable) compiler.

NB: It turns out the byte buffer grows in chunks of the size of the length, so I used u16 instead of a more wasteful usize=u64 (which would use 16 bytes for length < 9 and then 24 bytes for < 17). I tried <T=u8> to optimize space even further while giving control. But since u* share no trait Unsigned some of my ops wouldn't compile. Not sure if Rust can currently express this, but ideally the smallest u* that can hold <const N: usize> would be used automatically.

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You might also like the existing ArrayString.

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Thanks, definitely interesting! But for a slight difference on where it does MaybeUninit pretty much like my idea for SizedString. So probably the same performance… And much more complete already :smiley:

Not sure why it needs serde – shouldn't that just fall into place if it behaves like a String? That's maybe where not having a common trait bites?

Anyway, given the boost and the even bigger boost of FixedString, why does our dear language not pick these things up into std? Then it could live up to its marketing claim of being fast.

Why do you think it needs serde? It can integrate with serde, sure, but it doesn't require it.

Because the goal is not to be superfast, but to be used. Should it adopt ArrayString one year, then switch to tinystr and break all the programs again, then adopt compact_str and then, eventually, say that it have finally achieved ultra-super-speed… to all three remaining users? Would it be good idea?

Rust's string are not fastest in the world, but they are pretty fast and you can still use all these extra-fast-in-special cases strings even today, but it's unclear whether breaking user's code every year is good idea.

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The standard library is small in scope by design. Here is a discussion from this forum about that.

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It's not even that, really. It's more of this:

Here, if you want to do something which can not be easily done by third-party crate you have to change the work of one the fundamental parts of the language, make format! return different types depending on how the format string looks like, maybe return different types depending on platform (note how SizedString<4096> is slower than String) and do many other such modification… all for what? To make axum 0.01% faster? Is it really worth it?

This being said Rust strings are definitely not optimal, C++ on Linux went over four or five designs (old libg++ string, then libstdc++2 and libstdc++3, then C++11 string and then clang have even better ones), but that's precisely why “efficient strings” are relegated to third-party crates in Rust.

To move them to std you have to overcome that -100 score (-10000 if you plan to break backward-compatibility) and only then it may happen.


Another thing to consider about FixedString is that it's less useful for multibyte UTF-8. It will still work if you have exactly the right length, but that's hard to guarantee unless you stick to ASCII.

The bstr crate is also helpful for treating bytes as strings.

Another way to say that is that String is "the obvious, predictable one", like how

Most fundamentally, Vec is and always will be a (pointer, capacity, length) triplet. No more, no less.

That makes it the basic primitive, and other things can be built atop it. You can make FancyString using String as one of the possible internal strategies, but if you just wanted the basic version, you'd need to redo everything if std only offered a complicated version.

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Besides the security, the oft repeated claim of almost-as-fast-as-C was what drew me in, after years of stubbornly heapish Java. So I felt betrayed, when I incredulously learnt the truth about String!

Ok, I missed that its optional.

Because the goal is not to be superfast, but to be used. Should it adopt ArrayString one year, then switch to tinystr and break all the programs again, then adopt compact_str and then, eventually, say that it have finally achieved ultra-super-speed… to all three remaining users? Would it be good idea?

Where did I say to make breaking changes? I hope the core team are smart enough to integrate improvements transparently!

I extended my benchmark. @bluss Sadly ArrayString doesn't yet implement from/into, so I couldn't just drop it in. OTOH CompactString sounds like a brilliant idea. Sadly both up to 24 bytes, where it should be fast, and beyond, it is mostly slower even than String. So its a disappointment, unless you're only looking to optimise your heap size. However, I extended upto 8 kibibytes (+1). Only then did SizedString lose out to String on my base test, while surprisingly still being faster on my move test.

Bear in mind that I did killall -STOP firefox-bin to calm down all that unblockable JS infesting most web pages. Even so I don't have a totally calm test environment.

I think once you get used to Rust's more federated approach of how to utilize dependencies and the ecosystem, you won't feel betrayed no more. Java is much more centralized than Rust in the sense that you have a giant standard library and are probably using big, monolithic frameworks like Spring. On the other hand, Rust has embraced a more communal approach. Rust has a diverse ecosystem of crates and great dependency resolution. More like the JS people have with npm or Python with pypi. One of the most glaring examples for the fact that Rust relies so much on community crates is, that Rust supports async/await syntax, but has no built-in runtime in the standard library to actually do anything with futures. Without community crates like futures and tokio, you can't really do that much asynchronous programming, which has become a staple of Rust when it hit stable in the 2018 version.

I think once you get more accustomed to relying on community crates, using them to get more performance from certain types you consider worthy of being optimized in the standard library will feel more natural. A popular crate for such a type would be the bytes crate. You can use the standard library types, like slices, arrays, Vectors or Buffers to work with bytes, but still, the Bytes type may offer faster performance for your needs. Same goes for optimized string implementations from any crate mentioned in the discussion above.


I hope is not enough in that case, I'm afraid. Rust doesn't believe in magic,

And strings are hard. Rust offers decent compromise with String, &str and Box<str>, but the truth of the matter: no one managed to invent a way to deal with strings which is both ergonomic and always 100% efficient.

And no, C is not the answer. Try to implement any non-trivial algorithm with strings and you'll see how the need to constantly look for that \0 makes them slower than Rust or C++ strings.

Sure, you can ignore normal C conventions and create your own strings which would behave differently… but that can be done int Rust, too!


That's very much a breaking change. Now, as you have said: you believe in magic and magical language constructs. Gimme O_PONIES, let the compiler “understand” your program and “do the right things”!

Wouldn't be that so great? Compiler would do the job instead of your and everyone would be happy.

But sadly, reality is different. Attempts to bring a magical constructs into the programming language end up with crazy things like PHP's genious idea that string "1000" is the same as "1e3". Look for yourself.

That's because compiler couldn't understand your program, it can only do simple operations with it. Sure, it may do billions of them and quite fast… but not magic. Thus more “magic” in the language brings not more simplifications for the programmer but more pain when you need to debug misbehaving programs.

Not till someone would decide to attach AGI to a compiler… but even if that would be possible at some later date that wouldn't be Rust, that would be some entirely different language.


That's not possible. A standard heap-allocated String and the stack-based string that you propose have different observable behaviour. If I move a stack-backed string, all references to its inner data become invalid. If I move a String, I move just the pointer and metadata, and the actual storage stays in place on the heap. This means that if I have a raw pointer inside of the String (safe references would be prevented by borrow checker), it stays valid after the String is moved.

Now, there is some debate whether this pattern should be legal in Rust as-is, or whether it should require some extra annotations, allowing the compiler to assume that there are no other pointers to the data other than the String itself. Regardless, it's currently possible to do (with caveats), and something like that pattern will be always possible in the language, even if it requires extra hoops. Having data in a specific place is one of the major benefits of heap allocation.

You overestimate the benefits of stack-allocated strings and vectors. Yes, if you avoid a memory allocation, then your code can be significantly faster, but it you end up allocating anyway, you lose the benefits and the string operations become significantly slower. For a string which can dynamically spill on the heap, every access to the data involves a branch, checking whether the data is on the stack or on the heap. This inhibits compiler optimizations, and puts extra pressure on the processor branch predictor. If you have many such strings flying around, you will suffer unpredictable branches on every data access, which is a heavy penalty on modern systems. If your benchmarks didn't hit that failure mode, they're nowhere representative of the real performance.

Really, if string allocations are a measurable performance issue in your code, you'd be better off utilizing entirely different strategies. Try to avoid memory allocations altogether, by utilizing more heavily string slices, reference-counted data and Cow<'_, str>. If you're writing something like a compiler, use a special small-string pool. Avoid creating duplicate strings, caching their values. Use arena allocators, allocating system memory in large single chunks, which you subsequently use to allocate strings in your code. Reuse old string buffers.

If your performance profile is really dominated by tiny strings (meaning, you have measured it and measured their performance impact), then indeed stack-allocated strings may help. But for general-purpose programming, this is absolutely a niche case, which isn't worth to optimize for in the standard library. Claims like "So I felt betrayed, when I incredulously learnt the truth about String!" just mean that you didn't give much though to the subject and have a knee-jerk "no microoptimizations = bad" reaction.


You guys are driving home the point that it might be horribly hard to do this right, :thinking: Even so ftw I've added benchmarks for 3 more types suggested above, and up to 8 kibibytes + 1.

Your betrayal sounds similar to the complains one of my friends voiced when he saw Boeing 737 wings on his flight.

He asked: how come my simple and cheap car has a smooth surface to reduce air friction but that very expensive thing which spends so much fuel there are separate line in the ticket and which moves much fast than my car have all these rows of rivers who are not just, obviously, ungainly, but, obviously, makes it more expensive to fly that thing.

And the answer was obvious: of course it would have been cheaper to just replace them with, e.g. friction welding then this would have been done.

But there's no free lunch: if you remove rivets you, suddenly, face problems of structural integrity which may be acceptable in a war planes, maybe, but are certainly not something you want in a passenger plane!

And most simple mitigations make the whole thing heavier and more fuel-hungry than simple use of rivets.

And that's often the issue with microbenchmarks: it's easy to optimize small amount of code to work much faster or use much less memory and so on… but if you apply your design to large codebase you often need to do changes in other places to accomodate your speed-ups and the end result may be tiny win or no win at all.

Similarly to how planes do try to solve that issue (switch to composites promises to replace rivets with lighter and robust wings) it's plausible that someone would do something to strings, too… but it's highly unlikely that this would be something easy to design and adopt.

To make usable composite wings for a large aircraft… let's just say that it took decades of research and it's still not clear whether this is what would actually happen or not.


It's not particularly hard to do it right. If you wrap something like arrayvec or tinyvec (which already did the hard part) in a newtype enforcing UTF-8 contents, it's almost trivial to do. The point is that it is far less useful than you expect, and violates the current guarantees of std::string::String, so impossible to retrofit on it (and we wouldn't want to do it even if Rust were pre-1.0, because those guarantees are useful).

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In the meantime I figured out that ArrayString, since it could overflow, needs try_into. (My types should have used that as well, if I had known.) All other types also have that, so I switched the benchmark. Now, for the frequent small strings, ArrayString is a huge winner, surprisingly even faster than my naive (and apparently not as good) attempt at SizedString.

FixedString, with its limited applicability, is still faster. Maybe in the future there might be an arrayvec::ArrayStr

With compact_str 0.7.0 claiming optimisations by going branchless, I've rerun my little benchmark and updated the table. Alas neither upto-24-byte strings (for which conceptually it should be by a factor faster) nor longer ones manage to beat String. Sad, but probably to be expected, as you just can't handle so many more variants with less instructions.

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