Something odd in my Cargo.toml file

So, this morning I was checking out the dependencies section of my Cargo.toml file and found this:

 rand = "0.9.0-alpha.1"

However, when I go to the latest version of Rand that is available is 0.8.5. I have no idea how this "advanced" version got into my *.toml, but it would be nice to know just what, exactly, it is that I have been using. Could someone clear that up for me? Should I change it to the 0.8.5 version? Thanks.

I must admit I’m not sure how you got the alpha version (maybe you stumbled upon the page somehow) but yeah I’d replace that line with:

rand = "0.8.5"

Done. Thanks @richr . :>)

Great, I hope it helps - with a bit of luck your project will still compile as it did before, but if you ended up using any newer APIs you may need to make some tweaks to get things working perhaps.

It should work fine. I'm not using any advanced features. Also, I've been doing a complete rebuild of my project and am just now bringing rand back into my dependencies. That's how I discovered this oddity.

Great, sounds good!

That is the latest semver version of Rand. All versions are listed in chronological order on the crate page and in the dropdown in the navbar.

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