Something about std::ptr::read

I find something interesting ,and also learn more about rust ownship
Here is what happened

when i read the rust std doc i notice there is a function std::ptr::read
i check it and this function calls the read_via_copy

pub const unsafe fn read<T>(src: *const T) -> T {
  unsafe {
        #[cfg(debug_assertions)] // Too expensive to always enable (for now?)
            "ptr::read requires that the pointer argument is aligned and non-null",
                addr: *const () = src as *const (),
                align: usize = align_of::<T>(),
            ) => ub_checks::is_aligned_and_not_null(addr, align)

At first i think it is just do a deep copy from src and return the new 'clone' one as its name
read_via_copy , just copy and read it

but read via a deep copy seems not unsafe , why rust use unsafe
so i wanna check if it is truly deep copy

i write some code to prove

fn main(){
    /* we create a v0 to own the heap data 0**/
    let mut v0 = Vec::new();
    let  v1;
    /* we create a v1 to own the heap data 0 also here**/
        v1 = std::ptr::read(&v0);
    /* the ptr::read will call read_via_copy , which will be proved a shadow copy **/
    println!("content v0 and v1");
    println!("v0 {:?} v1 {:?}",v0,v1);
    println!("v0 addree {:p}",&v0 as *const _);
    println!(" addree {:p}",v0.as_ptr());

    println!("v1 addree {:p}",&v1 as *const _);
    println!(" addree {:p}",v1.as_ptr());


it just read from a vector
but things goes wrong when i execute the program

content v0 and v1
v0 [12, 20] v1 [12, 20]
v0 addree 0x7ffd47b05dc8 addree 0x5c9f5eebaa80
v1 addree 0x7ffd47b05de0 addree 0x5c9f5eebaa80
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
Aborted (core dumped)

The Double Free

and i check the asm code for more details

__int64 _1::main()
  int v0; // edx
  int v1; // ecx
  int v2; // r8d
  int v3; // r9d
  int v4; // edx
  int v5; // ecx
  int v6; // r8d
  int v7; // r9d
  int v8; // edx
  int v9; // ecx
  int v10; // r8d
  int v11; // r9d
  int v12; // edx
  int v13; // ecx
  int v14; // r8d
  int v15; // r9d
  int v17; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2F8h]
  int v18; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2F8h]
  struct _Unwind_Exception *v19; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2F8h]
  struct _Unwind_Exception *v20; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2F8h]
  int v21; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-2F0h]
  int v22; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-2F0h]
  int v23[2]; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-2F0h]
  int v24; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-2F0h]
  int v25; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-2E8h]
  int myV0; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-2E0h] BYREF
  struct _Unwind_Exception *v27; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-2D8h]
  int v28; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-2D0h]
  int also_myV1[4]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-2C8h] BYREF
  __int64 v30; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-2B8h]
  __int128 myV1; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-2B0h] BYREF
  __int64 v32; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-2A0h]
  char v33[48]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-298h] BYREF
  char v34[48]; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-268h] BYREF
  _OWORD v35[2]; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-238h] BYREF
  __int128 v36; // [rsp+E0h] [rbp-218h]
  __int128 v37; // [rsp+F0h] [rbp-208h]
  char v38[48]; // [rsp+100h] [rbp-1F8h] BYREF
  __int128 v39; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-1C8h] BYREF
  __int128 v40; // [rsp+148h] [rbp-1B0h]
  int *v41; // [rsp+158h] [rbp-1A0h] BYREF
  char v42[48]; // [rsp+160h] [rbp-198h] BYREF
  __int128 v43; // [rsp+190h] [rbp-168h] BYREF
  __int128 v44; // [rsp+1A8h] [rbp-150h]
  __int64 v45; // [rsp+1B8h] [rbp-140h] BYREF
  char v46[48]; // [rsp+1C0h] [rbp-138h] BYREF
  __int128 v47; // [rsp+1F0h] [rbp-108h] BYREF
  __int128 v48; // [rsp+208h] [rbp-F0h]
  int *v49; // [rsp+218h] [rbp-E0h] BYREF
  char v50[48]; // [rsp+220h] [rbp-D8h] BYREF
  __int128 v51; // [rsp+250h] [rbp-A8h] BYREF
  __int128 v52; // [rsp+268h] [rbp-90h]
  struct _Unwind_Exception *v53; // [rsp+278h] [rbp-80h] BYREF
  char v54; // [rsp+287h] [rbp-71h]
  int **v55; // [rsp+298h] [rbp-60h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v56)(); // [rsp+2A0h] [rbp-58h]
  int **v57; // [rsp+2A8h] [rbp-50h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v58)(); // [rsp+2B0h] [rbp-48h]
  struct _Unwind_Exception **v59; // [rsp+2B8h] [rbp-40h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v60)(); // [rsp+2C0h] [rbp-38h]
  __int64 *v61; // [rsp+2C8h] [rbp-30h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v62)(); // [rsp+2D0h] [rbp-28h]
  int *v63; // [rsp+2D8h] [rbp-20h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v64)(); // [rsp+2E0h] [rbp-18h]
  int *v65; // [rsp+2E8h] [rbp-10h]
  __int64 (__fastcall *v66)(); // [rsp+2F0h] [rbp-8h]

  v54 = 0;
  alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::push((int)&myV0, 12, v0, v1, v2, v3, v17, v21, (int)&myV0, myV0, v27, v28);
  alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::push((int)&myV0, 20, v4, v5, v6, v7, v18, v22, v25, myV0, v27, v28);
  core::ptr::read(&myV1, &myV0);
  v54 = 1;
  v30 = v32;
  *(_OWORD *)also_myV1 = myV1;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_const(v33, &off_584F8);
  v65 = &myV0;
  v66 = <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v36 = &myV0;
  *((_QWORD *)&v36 + 1) = <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
  v63 = also_myV1;
  v64 = <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v37 = also_myV1;
  *((_QWORD *)&v37 + 1) = <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt;
  v35[0] = v36;
  v35[1] = v37;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(v34, &off_58508, v35);
  v41 = &myV0;
  v57 = &v41;
  v58 = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v40 = &v41;
  *((_QWORD *)&v40 + 1) = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  v39 = v40;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(v38, &off_58538, &v39);
  *(_QWORD *)v23 = alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::as_ptr(&myV0);
  v45 = *(_QWORD *)v23;
  v61 = &v45;
  v62 = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v44 = &v45;
  *((_QWORD *)&v44 + 1) = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  v43 = v44;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(v42, &off_58558, &v43);
  v49 = also_myV1;
  v55 = &v49;
  v56 = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v48 = &v49;
  *((_QWORD *)&v48 + 1) = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  v47 = v48;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(v46, &off_58578, &v47);
  v19 = (struct _Unwind_Exception *)alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::as_ptr(also_myV1);
  v53 = v19;
  v59 = &v53;
  v60 = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  *(_QWORD *)&v52 = &v53;
  *((_QWORD *)&v52 + 1) = <*const T as core::fmt::Pointer>::fmt;
  v51 = v52;
  core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(v50, &off_58598, &v51);
  core::ptr::drop_in_place<alloc::vec::Vec<i32>>((int)also_myV1, (int)&off_58598, v8, v9, v10, v11, v19, v23[0]);
  v54 = 0;
  return core::ptr::drop_in_place<alloc::vec::Vec<i32>>((int)&myV0, (int)&off_58598, v12, v13, v14, v15, v20, v24);

In the end of the code
it call twice drop_in_place for v1 and v0 which cause the double free

so , look how ptr::read function works

_QWORD *__fastcall core::ptr::read(_QWORD *a1, _QWORD *a2)
  _QWORD *result; // rax

  result = a1;
  *a1 = *a2;
  a1[1] = a2[1];
  a1[2] = a2[2];
  return result;

There is no DEEP COPY at all
it just do a shadow copy ,i guess the a[0] a[1] a[2] is the meta data about a len ,a cap ,and a pointer to the heap ,
assume it is a[2] is the pointer to the head data,
here it overwrite the a1 heap pointer with the a2 , and return the a1
so , the a1 is new one , the a2 is the old one
it make new one point to the old one heap and return the new one
so read_via_copy do things like this

new->ptr = old->ptr
new->len = old->len
new->cap = old->cap

all views are based on the rust vector

i am not sure about that, but that's all what i had learnt from a std::ptr::read
and know about what 'move ' means

1 Like

It would be something like this, Vec::new() create a stack variable v0. And ptr::read just copy the bits of v0. ptr::read is a low level api, just like *ptr in C.


There is no operation in Rust which is a deep copy. Nothing in the language, the library, or even user-written code has the information of what would be a truly deep copy. The closest thing to a deep copy is the Clone trait, but implementations of Clone don’t copy e.g. the contents of an Arc or Rc shared pointer.

There are two reasons why std::ptr::read is marked as unsafe fn:

  1. You’ve correctly determined, later in your post, that std::ptr::read is a shallow copy. Therefore, it can cause duplication of a type that owns resources, like Vec (or like std::fs::File, which owns a file handle rather than memory), leading to a double-free later. Therefore, the caller must promise that either the value being read is either safe to duplicate, or the original copy of the value will be forgotten.
  2. std::ptr::read could be given a *const T that points to uninitialized memory, or memory which contains something other than a valid T. The caller must promise that the pointer is valid to read a T from.

These are preconditions that the type system cannot check, so the function is an unsafe fn to indicate that the caller is responsible for ensuring they are true.


Why did you think that? Was there something in particular that misled you?

Did you read the section at all? (That specifically talks about "if T is not Copy".)

The intrinsics are named to make sense internally in the compiler; they're not there for end users of Rust to think about. The "copy" in the name read_via_copy is actually talking about Operand::Copy.


It does seem a bit odd that the docs have:

If T is not Copy, using both the returned value and the value at *src can violate memory safety

But also the safety section contains only:

  • src must be valid for reads.

  • src must be properly aligned. Use read_unaligned if this is not the case.

  • src must point to a properly initialized value of type T.

I thought the idea was if you meet the listed requirements in the safety section on every unsafe operation you can't do anything unsound...

Not sure what such a clause would look like... "If T is not Copy, at most one of the result or the target of ptr may be dropped" is a little clumsy...

In retrospect perhaps it should have returned ManuallyDrop<T>, to help address that issue.

Perhaps including a link to the ownership section is the low-hanging fruit solution? It doesn't seem like any other elaboration is required, just a nod to "don't forget about this detail".