Rs-measures 0.3.0

I published version 0.3.0 of my library Rs-measures: GitHub - carlomilanesi/rs-measures: A library of Rust macros to statically encapsulate numbers in objects having a unit of measurement. It contains extensive documentation and unit tests. In particular:

  • Motivation explains the advantages of using it with respect to naked numbers and with respect to the library UOM.
  • Tutorial explains how to use it.
  • Architecture describes some design choices.

It contains two crates: rs-measures and units-relation. Their automatically generated documentation has little usefulness, because this library is a set of macros which generate the actual library code.

In addition to supporting units of measurement, this library supports vectors (in vector spaces) and points (in affine spaces), in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions (X, Y, Z), and it supports angular directions.

Any suggestions of improvements or possible applications are welcome.

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