Option Spaghetti

I'm playing around with a data structure for holding a couple of different types and I'm creating a gross Option spaghetti. I've just started learning Rust, and I think there is probably a better way to do this that I am not aware of. There is also a lot of code duplication that I don't know how to get rid of. Any help would be appreciated.


use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Index;

pub enum Column {

impl Column {
    fn numeric() -> Column {

    fn alphabetic() -> Column {

    fn tempic() -> Column {

    fn unwrap_numeric(&self) -> Option<&Box<Vec<Option<f64>>>> {
        if let Column::Numeric(v) = self {
            return Some(v);
        } else {
            return None;

    fn unwrap_alphabetic(&self) -> Option<&Box<Vec<Option<String>>>> {
        if let Column::Alphabetic(v) = self {
            return Some(v);
        } else {
            return None;

    fn unwrap_tempic(&self) -> Option<&Box<Vec<Option<NaiveDateTime>>>> {
        if let Column::Tempic(v) = self {
            return Some(v);
        } else {
            return None;

pub struct Tansu {
    pub data: HashMap<String, Column>,

impl Tansu {
    pub fn new() -> Tansu {
        Tansu {
            data: HashMap::new(),

    pub fn add_to_numeric(&mut self, key: &str, data: Option<f64>) {
        let c = self
        if let Column::Numeric(v) = c {

    pub fn add_to_alphabetic(&mut self, key: &str, data: Option<String>) {
        let c = self
        if let Column::Alphabetic(v) = c {

    pub fn add_to_tempic(&mut self, key: &str, data: Option<NaiveDateTime>) {
        let c = self.data.entry(key.to_string()).or_insert(Column::tempic());
        if let Column::Tempic(v) = c {

impl Index<&str> for Tansu {
    type Output = Column;

    fn index(&self, key: &str) -> &Self::Output {
        match &self.data.get(key) {
            Some(r) => r,
            None => panic!(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn setup() -> Tansu {

    fn no_existing_key() {
        let mut t = setup();

        t.add_to_numeric("test", Some(5.0));


    fn indexable() {
        let mut t = setup();

        t.add_to_numeric("test", Some(5.0));

        assert_eq!(t["test"].unwrap_numeric().unwrap()[0], Some(5.0));

    fn print_it() {
        println!("{:?}", "hi");


Okay so:

  1. You do not need to use Box inside Column when the immediate child is a container like Vec or HashMap etc.
  2. Typically we recommend returning a slice instead of a &Vec, since the latter provides no extra functionality, but is less general. This simplifies the unwrap_* methods to Option<&[Option<f64>]>.
  3. Note that it is possible to return an empty list when you unwrapped the wrong type. Simply return &[] in this case and use the return type &[Option<f64>].
  4. Is it a requirement that no column has stuff of different types? Currently you silently ignore it if you add a cell with a different type from a different cell at the same string key.
  5. Your add_to_* methods currently take a &str for the key, but they always convert it to a String. The recommendation is that you should take a String if you'd otherwise always copy it. If having to convert "" literals into Strings is annoying, you can take an impl Into<String> instead.

You may find this playground useful.


Got rid of the boxes, changed to slices, and swapped some of the options for results since that seemed like it was more descriptive.
Is there something that I can do to collapse the add_to_* and unwrap_* methods without giving up the guarantee that each column has only a single type?
I suppose I could use a macro to create functions like that?


Yes, you can do those with macros:

macro_rules! unwrap_impl {
    ($self:ident, $var:ident, $name:literal) => {
        if let Column::$var(v) = $self {
        } else {
            Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, concat!("column is not ", $name)))

// example 
fn unwrap_numeric(&self) -> Result<&[Option<f64>]> {
    unwrap_impl!(self, Numeric, "numeric")

macro_rules! add_to_impl {
    ($self:ident, $key:expr, $data:expr, $def:expr, $var:ident, $name:literal) => {{
        let c = $self.data
        unwrap_impl!(c, $var, $name)
            .map(|v| { v.push($data); })
            .map_err(|_| Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, format!(concat!("column with key {} is not ", $name), $key)))

// example
pub fn add_to_numeric(&mut self, key: &str, data: Option<f64>) -> Result<()> {
    add_to_impl!(self, key, data, Column::numeric(), Numeric, "numeric")

Though I'd say that your unwrap_* names are more idiomatically named as_* (like as_numeric.)

I've found the if_chain crate works well when you need to convert a bunch of nested if Let(...) statements or and_then()s.

if_chain! {
    if let Some(y) = x;
    if let Some(z) = y;
    then {
    } else {

// becomes

if let Some(y) = x {
    if let Some(z) = y {
    } else {
} else {
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An eRFC has been accepted to integrate a similar syntax into the language, which would make your example look something like this:

if let Some(y) = x && let Some(z) = y {
} else {

The exact syntax isn't final yet, though.

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