Openapi-generator: How to deal with generated `ApiError`?

So we generate a server stub from our OpenAPI spec yaml using openapi-generator. We integrate the generated server code with Axum.

Following an excerpt from generating a server of OpenAPI's pet store example:

impl<C> Api<C> for Server<C> where C: Has<XSpanIdString> + Send + Sync
    /// Create a pet
    async fn create_pets(
        context: &C) -> Result<CreatePetsResponse, ApiError>
        let context = context.clone();
        info!("create_pets() - X-Span-ID: {:?}", context.get().0.clone());
        Err(ApiError("Generic failure".into()))

    /// List all pets
    async fn list_pets(
        limit: Option<i32>,
        context: &C) -> Result<ListPetsResponse, ApiError>
        let context = context.clone();
        info!("list_pets({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}", limit, context.get().0.clone());
        Err(ApiError("Generic failure".into()))

    /// Info for a specific pet
    async fn show_pet_by_id(
        pet_id: String,
        context: &C) -> Result<ShowPetByIdResponse, ApiError>
        let context = context.clone();
        info!("show_pet_by_id(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}", pet_id, context.get().0.clone());
        Err(ApiError("Generic failure".into()))


As you can see the generated Api trait dictates the Result's error case to be of type ApiError, which is generated as follows:

/// Very simple error type - just holds a description of the error. This is useful for human
/// diagnosis and troubleshooting, but not for applications to parse. The justification for this
/// is to deny applications visibility into the communication layer, forcing the application code
/// to act solely on the logical responses that the API provides, promoting abstraction in the
/// application code.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ApiError(pub String);

However, in our application we actually want to return something like (HttpStatusCode, Json<>) instead.

How can we achieve this without touching the generated code? Because if our OpenAPI spec changes, the server code would be generated anew and thus would overwrite our adjustments.

Thanks for your support :pleading_face:

I don't use openapi-generator, but as far as I know—if you want to change codegen—you need to modify the mustache template used for said code generation. You can find the mustache templates for the rust-server generator here.

In the meantime a colleague of mine found the solution.

openapi-generator generates enums for the possible responses for requests. For example CreatePetsResponse in async fn create_pets(&self, context: &C) -> Result<CreatePetsResponse, ApiError>:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum CreatePetsResponse {
    /// Null response
    /// unexpected error

This means, errors which are defined in OpenAPI spec, are represented as an enum variant which should be returned within Ok. ApiError, thus should, be very rarely actually needed.

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