New Release: Loole 0.4.0 - Async-friendly MPMC channels for Rust

Hey Rustaceans! :crab:

I wanted to share the latest updates to Loole, a fast multi-producer, multi-consumer channel implementation for Rust. We've just released version 0.4.0 with some exciting new features and improvements!

What's new in 0.4.0:

  • Implemented the Stream and Sink traits for Receiver and Sender, allowing you to convert a Receiver into a Stream using the stream() or into_stream() methods, and convert a Sender into a Sink using the sink() or into_sink() methods.
  • Added SendSink and RecvStream structs
  • Fixed a bug in send methods to properly wake pending receivers
  • Added convenience methods to SendFuture, RecvFuture, SendSink and RecvStream:
    • is_closed(): Check if the channel is closed
    • is_empty(): Check if the channel is empty
    • is_full(): Check if the channel is full
    • len(): Get the number of messages in the channel
    • capacity(): Get the channel capacity

GitHub Repo: GitHub - mahdi-shojaee/loole: A safe sync/async multi-producer, multi-consumer channel

We're looking for contributors! Whether it's adding new features, improving performance, or enhancing documentation, your contributions are welcome!

Check out the repo, give it a star if you like what you see, and feel free to open issues or pull requests. Let's make Loole even better together! :muscle:

Happy coding! :rocket:

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