Macros generating method body

I'd like to write a macro that allows optional generation of a method body. Specifically, I'm trying to make newtypes easier (for me) to use (so if there's a workaround to solve that problem, that would be helpful as well).

Here's what I've got so far:

macro_rules! alias_basic {
	($alias:ident, $t:ty) => {
		pub struct $alias($t);
		impl Display for $alias {
			 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
	 			let $alias(ref v) = *self;
		impl Into<$t> for $alias {
			fn into(self) -> $t {
				let $alias(v) = self;
		impl Deref for $alias {
			type Target = $t;
			fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a $t {
				let $alias(ref v) = *self;

macro_rules! alias {
	($alias:ident, $t:ty) => {
		impl From<$t> for $alias {
			fn from(v: $t) -> Self {

So far, so good. But what I'd like to do is optionally plug in a TryFrom implementation instead of From, and, if I want a TryFrom, have the macro invocation define the method body.

e.g., I'd want

alias!(Foo,Bar,try_from -> {err -> Quux, body ->  /* baz */});

to expand to (among other things):

impl TryFrom for Foo {
    type Error = Quux; 
    fn try_from (v: Bar) -> Result<Self,Quux> {
        /* baz */

I've got as far as defining body content as $($body:tt)*, but when the expansion gets to the method body, I get unexpected token errors.

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Unfortunately, rust currently needs a little bit of help parsing the tokens:

macro_rules! block_identity {
    ($b:block) => {$b}

// And then in your macro:
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Also it will need to know the variable name if you want to do match/check on v. This worked on my machine:

macro_rules! alias {
	($alias:ident, $t:ty, $er_type:ty, $body: block, $v: ident) => {
		impl From<$t> for $alias {
			fn from(v: $t) -> Self {
	impl TryFrom<$t> for $alias{
            type Error = $er_type; 
            fn try_from ($v: $t) -> Result<Self,$er_type> 

And as an example:

alias!(MyS, i32, String, {
    match v {
        0 => Err("This is zero".to_string()),
        _ => Ok(MyS(v))
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Thanks -- now running into problems with methods that take self.

Simple example:

macro_rules! foo {
	($name:ident, $body:block) => {
		struct $name { value: u32}
		impl $name {
			fn fooify(&self) -> u32 {


First invocation works fine, second fails:

error: `self` is not available in a static method. Maybe a `self` argument is missing`

This would seem to be a problem with macro hygiene rules?
