alloc::GlobalAlloc |
A memory allocator that can be registered as the standard library’s default
through the #[global_allocator] attribute. |
any::Any |
A trait to emulate dynamic typing. |
borrow::Borrow |
A trait for borrowing data. |
borrow::BorrowMut |
A trait for mutably borrowing data. |
borrow::ToOwned |
A generalization of Clone to borrowed data. |
clone::Clone |
A common trait for the ability to explicitly duplicate an object. |
cmp::Eq |
Trait for comparisons corresponding to equivalence relations. |
cmp::Ord |
Trait for types that form a total order. |
cmp::PartialEq |
Trait for comparisons using the equality operator. |
cmp::PartialOrd |
Trait for types that form a partial order. |
convert::AsMut |
Used to do a cheap mutable-to-mutable reference conversion. |
convert::AsRef |
Used to do a cheap reference-to-reference conversion. |
convert::From |
Used to do value-to-value conversions while consuming the input value. It is
the reciprocal of
Into .
convert::Into |
A value-to-value conversion that consumes the input value. The
opposite of From . |
convert::TryFrom |
Simple and safe type conversions that may fail in a controlled
way under some circumstances. It is the reciprocal of TryInto . |
convert::TryInto |
An attempted conversion that consumes self , which may or may not
expensive. |
default::Default |
A trait for giving a type a useful default value. |
error::Error |
Error is a trait representing the basic expectations for error
i.e., values of type E in Result<T, E> . |
fmt::Binary |
b formatting. |
fmt::Debug |
? formatting. |
fmt::Display |
Format trait for an empty format, {} . |
fmt::LowerExp |
e formatting. |
fmt::LowerHex |
x formatting. |
fmt::Octal |
o formatting. |
fmt::Pointer |
p formatting. |
fmt::UpperExp |
E formatting. |
fmt::UpperHex |
X formatting. |
fmt::Write |
A trait for writing or formatting into Unicode-accepting buffers or streams.
future::Future |
A future represents an asynchronous computation obtained by use of async . |
future::IntoFuture |
Conversion into a Future . |
hash::BuildHasher |
A trait for creating instances of Hasher . |
hash::Hash |
A hashable type. |
hash::Hasher |
A trait for hashing an arbitrary stream of bytes. |
io::BufRead |
A BufRead is a type of Read er which has an internal
buffer, allowing it
to perform extra ways of reading. |
io::IsTerminal |
Trait to determine if a descriptor/handle refers to a terminal/tty. |
io::Read |
The Read trait allows for reading bytes from a source. |
io::Seek |
The Seek trait provides a cursor which can be moved within a
stream of
bytes. |
io::Write |
A trait for objects which are byte-oriented sinks. |
iter::DoubleEndedIterator |
An iterator able to yield elements from both ends. |
iter::ExactSizeIterator |
An iterator that knows its exact length. |
iter::Extend |
Extend a collection with the contents of an iterator. |
iter::FromIterator |
Conversion from an Iterator . |
iter::FusedIterator |
An iterator that always continues to yield None when exhausted.
iter::IntoIterator |
Conversion into an Iterator . |
iter::Iterator |
A trait for dealing with iterators. |
iter::Product |
Trait to represent types that can be created by multiplying elements of an
iterator. |
iter::Sum |
Trait to represent types that can be created by summing up an iterator. |
marker::Copy |
Types whose values can be duplicated simply by copying bits. |
marker::Send |
Types that can be transferred across thread boundaries. |
marker::Sized |
Types with a constant size known at compile time. |
marker::Sync |
Types for which it is safe to share references between threads. |
marker::Unpin |
Types that do not require any pinning guarantees. |
net::ToSocketAddrs |
A trait for objects which can be converted or resolved to one or more
SocketAddr values.
ops::Add |
The addition operator + . |
ops::AddAssign |
The addition assignment operator += . |
ops::BitAnd |
The bitwise AND operator & . |
ops::BitAndAssign |
The bitwise AND assignment operator &= . |
ops::BitOr |
The bitwise OR operator | . |
ops::BitOrAssign |
The bitwise OR assignment operator |= . |
ops::BitXor |
The bitwise XOR operator ^ . |
ops::BitXorAssign |
The bitwise XOR assignment operator ^= . |
ops::Deref |
Used for immutable dereferencing operations, like *v . |
ops::DerefMut |
Used for mutable dereferencing operations, like in *v = 1; . |
ops::Div |
The division operator / . |
ops::DivAssign |
The division assignment operator /= . |
ops::Drop |
Custom code within the destructor. |
ops::Fn |
The version of the call operator that takes an immutable receiver. |
ops::FnMut |
The version of the call operator that takes a mutable receiver. |
ops::FnOnce |
The version of the call operator that takes a by-value receiver. |
ops::Index |
Used for indexing operations (container[index] ) in immutable
contexts. |
ops::IndexMut |
Used for indexing operations (container[index] ) in mutable
contexts. |
ops::Mul |
The multiplication operator * . |
ops::MulAssign |
The multiplication assignment operator *= . |
ops::Neg |
The unary negation operator - . |
ops::Not |
The unary logical negation operator ! . |
ops::RangeBounds |
RangeBounds is implemented by Rust’s built-in range types,
by range syntax like .. , a.. , ..b , ..=c ,
d..e , or f..=g . |
ops::Rem |
The remainder operator % . |
ops::RemAssign |
The remainder assignment operator %= . |
ops::Shl |
The left shift operator << . Note that because this trait is
for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type
checker has special handling for _ << _ , setting the result type for
integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
that though a << b and a.shl(b) are one and the same from an evaluation
standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. |
ops::ShlAssign |
The left shift assignment operator <<= . |
ops::Shr |
The right shift operator >> . Note that because this trait is
for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type
checker has special handling for _ >> _ , setting the result type for
integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
that though a >> b and a.shr(b) are one and the same from an evaluation
standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. |
ops::ShrAssign |
The right shift assignment operator >>= . |
ops::Sub |
The subtraction operator - . |
ops::SubAssign |
The subtraction assignment operator -= . |
os::fd::AsFd |
A trait to borrow the file descriptor from an underlying object. |
os::fd::AsRawFd |
A trait to extract the raw file descriptor from an underlying object. |
os::fd::FromRawFd |
A trait to express the ability to construct an object from a raw file
descriptor. |
os::fd::IntoRawFd |
A trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire ownership of
its raw file descriptor. |
panic::RefUnwindSafe |
A marker trait representing types where a shared reference is considered
unwind safe. |
panic::UnwindSafe |
A marker trait which represents “panic safe” types in Rust. |
process::Termination |
A trait for implementing arbitrary return types in the main
function. |
slice::SliceIndex |
A helper trait used for indexing operations. |
str::FromStr |
Parse a value from a string |
string::ToString |
A trait for converting a value to a String . |
task::Wake |
The implementation of waking a task on an executor. |