This is a shortend example of what I tried to do. It makes not much sense in this shortend case, but it's easier to understand I hope.
What I try to do is to store a String, parse it and store some slices of this String for easy access. I don't really need the original String, but I tried to avoid copying of the data, but I don't get it to run.
And yes, I can't just store the slices directly in the Sentence struct, because the Word struct is more complex in reality.
struct Words<'a> {
word: &'a str,
struct Sentence<'a> {
text: String,
words: Vec<Words<'a>>,
impl<'a> Sentence<'a> {
fn new(text: String) -> Self {
Sentence {
words: Vec::new(),
fn parse(&mut self) {
let mut pos = 0;
while let Some(s) = self.text[pos..].find(' ') {
self.words.push(Words{ word: &self.text[pos..pos+s] });
pos += s;
fn print_words(&self) {
for w in &self.words {
println!("{}", w.word);
fn main() {
let mut s = Sentence::new("This is a test".to_string());
Self-referential structs are notoriously difficult to represent in Rust - see this Stack Overflow answer for a good overview of why. You're almost certainly better off restructuring your code to avoid it.
A good work around for self-referential structs is to use other kind of "pointers" (in the most general meaning possible). That is, instead of using compile-time checked absolute addresses (Rust references), you can use offsets and indices:
struct Range {
start: usize,
len: Option<usize>, // None for infinite (or use a custom enum)
impl Index<Range> for str {
type Output = str;
fn index (self: &'_ Self, Range { start, len }: Range)
-> &'_ Self::Output
let start = &self[start ..];
if let Some(len) = len {
&start[.. len]
} else {
struct Words {
range: Range,
struct Sentence {
text: String,
words: Vec<Words>,
impl Sentence {
fn new (text: impl Into<String>)
-> Self
Sentence {
text: text.into(),
words: Vec::new(),
fn parse (self: &'_ mut Self)
let mut iterator = self.text.char_indices();
while let Some((start, c)) = {
if c.is_whitespace() {
let len =
.find(|&(_, c)| c.is_whitespace())
.map(|(i, _)| i - start)
self.words.push(Words {
range: Range { start, len },
fn print_words (self: &'_ Self)
for word in &self.words {
println!("{}", &self.text[word.range]);
fn main ()
let mut s = Sentence::new("This is a test");
@Yandros@17cupsofcoffee are right most times it is just not worth it or impossible to make it work. Depending on what you are doing with this, I thought this might be helpful. Playground it works with a few adjustments, and some hopefully accurate comments.
Although, do note that it technically is possible to make a self-referential struct, it just "pins" itself in its scope:
struct X<'a>(usize, Option<&'a usize>);
{ //'a
let mut foo = X(2, None); //Currently of type X::<'?>
foo.1 = Some(&foo.0); //Here we clarify: '? == 'a
//foo is now of type X::<'a> and borrows from 'a
//we cannot give anyone outside of 'a access to
//foo because then they'd have access to shorter
//lived data. In other words: foo is borrowing
//for its own lifetime, and can therefore not be