Lifetime for slice in struct used in struct

This is a shortend example of what I tried to do. It makes not much sense in this shortend case, but it's easier to understand I hope.
What I try to do is to store a String, parse it and store some slices of this String for easy access. I don't really need the original String, but I tried to avoid copying of the data, but I don't get it to run.
And yes, I can't just store the slices directly in the Sentence struct, because the Word struct is more complex in reality.

struct Words<'a> {
    word: &'a str,

struct Sentence<'a> {
    text: String,
    words: Vec<Words<'a>>,

impl<'a> Sentence<'a> {
    fn new(text: String) -> Self {
        Sentence {
            words: Vec::new(),
    fn parse(&mut self) {
        let mut pos = 0;
        while let Some(s) = self.text[pos..].find(' ') {
            self.words.push(Words{ word: &self.text[pos..pos+s] });
            pos += s;

    fn print_words(&self) {
        for w in &self.words {
            println!("{}", w.word);

fn main() {
    let mut s = Sentence::new("This is a test".to_string());

Self-referential structs are notoriously difficult to represent in Rust - see this Stack Overflow answer for a good overview of why. You're almost certainly better off restructuring your code to avoid it.


Thanks for your answer.
It's to bad to hear, that this is this difficult. In this case I have to rethink my code.

A good work around for self-referential structs is to use other kind of "pointers" (in the most general meaning possible). That is, instead of using compile-time checked absolute addresses (Rust references), you can use offsets and indices:

struct Range {
    start: usize,
    len: Option<usize>, // None for infinite (or use a custom enum)

impl Index<Range> for str {
    type Output = str;

    fn index (self: &'_ Self, Range { start, len }: Range)
        -> &'_ Self::Output
        let start = &self[start ..];
        if let Some(len) = len {
            &start[.. len]
        } else {

struct Words {
    range: Range,

struct Sentence {
    text: String,
    words: Vec<Words>,

impl Sentence {
    fn new (text: impl Into<String>)
        -> Self
        Sentence {
            text: text.into(),
            words: Vec::new(),
    fn parse (self: &'_ mut Self)
        let mut iterator = self.text.char_indices();
        while let Some((start, c)) = {
            if c.is_whitespace() {
            let len =
                    .find(|&(_, c)| c.is_whitespace())
                    .map(|(i, _)| i - start)
            self.words.push(Words {
                range: Range { start, len },

    fn print_words (self: &'_ Self)
        for word in &self.words {
            println!("{}", &self.text[word.range]);

fn main ()
    let mut s = Sentence::new("This is a test");

Thanks. That's really great.
While struggling with Rust lifetimes I completely forgot, that I can just store the positions.

@Yandros @17cupsofcoffee are right most times it is just not worth it or impossible to make it work. Depending on what you are doing with this, I thought this might be helpful. Playground it works with a few adjustments, and some hopefully accurate comments.

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Although, do note that it technically is possible to make a self-referential struct, it just "pins" itself in its scope:

struct X<'a>(usize, Option<&'a usize>);
{   //'a
    let mut foo = X(2, None); //Currently of type X::<'?> 
    foo.1 = Some(&foo.0);     //Here we clarify: '? == 'a
    //foo is now of type X::<'a> and borrows from 'a
    //we cannot give anyone outside of 'a access to 
    //foo because then they'd have access to shorter
    //lived data. In other words: foo is borrowing
    //for its own lifetime, and can therefore not be
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Great example to understand some lifetime problems

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