Iterator Filtering trait method

I'm working on implementing ECMAScript® 2023 Internationalization API Specification as traits and I can't figure out how to handle supported_locales_of method.

Such method should accept a list of Locale values, and return a filtered version of that list narrowed down based on some match criteria (availability of the locale).

I could do this with slices or lists, but I wanted to try to be a bit more precise and use an iterator. So, I want to accept an iterator, filter it, and return an iterator - kind of like a stream.

I currently have something like this:

// Mock of a Locale
pub struct Locale {
    language: String

/* TRAIT */

pub trait ListFormatType {
    type Iter: Iterator<Item = Locale>;

    fn supported_locales_of<I>(input: I) -> Self::Iter
            I: IntoIterator<Item = Locale>;

struct ListFormat {}

impl ListFormatType for ListFormat {
    type Iter = Iterator<Item = Locale>;

    fn supported_locales_of<I>(input: I) -> Self::Iter
            I: IntoIterator<Item = Locale> {
        input.into_iter().filter(|loc| AVAILABLE_LOCALES.contains(loc))

but that doesn't work because I need GAT or a concrete type in the implementation.
What concrete type should I use or is there another way to handle such scenario?

To define this method as a trait method, you would have to define your own struct and implement iterator on it. Trait methods are not as powerful as struct methods in this regard.

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