Is the Repository pattern a viable pattern in Rust?

When dealing with databases I'm used to using a sort of Repository pattern (a simplefied version of it), and I wondered if that is viable in rust and it led me in this direction (see below). However, this pattern is very OO and I don't know if it's a god fit for Rust. Looking for some feedback on this or if anyone has a more "Rusty" solution to seperate out database access when a ORM like Diesel would be overkill?

fn main() {

    let mut repo = repository::Repository::init();
    let orders = repo.orders();


    println!("{}", repo.commit());

mod repository {
    use std::cell::RefCell;
    use std::rc::Rc;

    pub struct Repository {
        order_repo: OrderRepository,
        conn: Rc<RefCell<Connection>>,

    impl Repository {
        pub fn init() -> Repository {
            let conn = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Connection::default()));
            Repository {
                order_repo: OrderRepository::new(conn.clone()),

        pub fn orders(&mut self) -> &mut OrderRepository {
            &mut self.order_repo

        pub fn commit(&self) -> String {
            let conn = self.conn.clone();
            let conn = (*conn).borrow();

    pub struct OrderRepository {
        conn: Rc<RefCell<Connection>>,
    impl OrderRepository {
        fn new(conn: Rc<RefCell<Connection>>) -> Self {
            OrderRepository { conn }
        pub fn add(&self, id: i32) {
            let conn = self.conn.clone();
            let mut conn = (*conn).borrow_mut();
            let op = format!("Operation: Added item with id: {}", id);

        pub fn delete(&self, id: i32) {
            let conn = self.conn.clone();
            let mut conn = (*conn).borrow_mut();
            let op = format!("Operation: Deleted item with id: {}", id);

    // MOCKS
    struct Connection {
        transaction: String,

    impl Connection {
        pub fn add_transaction(&mut self, op: &str) {
            self.transaction += op;
            self.transaction += "\n";

        pub fn commit(&self) -> &str {




Operation: Added item with id: 10
Operation: Deleted item with id: 10


   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.91s
     Running `target/debug/playground`

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Did you find an answer? Are you using this pattern successfully?