Is that change a "breaking" change (i.e., must I increment the SemVer major version number)?
I don't think it is. According to SemVer Compatibility, "loosening generic bounds" is a minor change which I think this constitutes as. I just want to make sure though.
I realize there are a lot of important details that will impact the answer to this question, so the actual code I'm referring to is webauthn_rp::AuthenticationClientState::options. This is one of the downsides of lifetime elision: if one is not careful, they can shoot themselves in the foot and end up with stricter bounds.
I agree. You have to be sure the lifetimes are covariant (which I believe they are here).
I could maybe cook up some niche circumstances with higher ranked types or such, but that's not the case here and would probably only amount to inference breakage vs a major breaking change.
Yeah, when you're sharing via fields that are shared borrows, elision is often not what you want.
Thanks. Additionally, the types don't implement Any unless the lifetimes are 'static; thus "reflection-like code" shouldn't exist either. While I probably won't let such a "niche" example prevent me from making this a minor version bump, I'm still interested in such an example if for no other reason than the opportunity to learn.