It is a static site (it uses Ruby for now to generate pages, sorry about that). Projects are sorted by "categories" and each category is mapped to a simple TOML file. Under the hood, a background process fetches the metadata from and GitHub to display information and also automatically sort projects based on a combination of downloads, GitHub stars, and forks.
The website doesn't have too much content right now but I'm working on fixing that. Also, it is easy to contibute.
Just like awesome-rust, the list is debatable. Some projects are in my opinion not worth mentioning, while several good libraries are missing.
I already talked about this in other posts in this forum and on IRC, but if you tell beginners that this is a list of good Rust libraries, they had better all work, never crash and have a rusty API or you are going to give a bad first impression of Rust.
@tomaka The list is still a very much work in progress (have to add a lot of stuff, working on it).
This site isn't meant to be a curated list of top of the line crates, for that there is stdx.
It is more about discover-ability of crates and to answer questions like - What are all the Rust libraries to parse command line arguments?
Also, I do have a (dumb) algorithm in place which should let good popular projects float on top.