Implementing a singly linked list

I am new to rust and I currently have the following implementation to create a simple singly linked list:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
struct ListNode {
  val: i32,
  next: Option<Box<ListNode>>
impl ListNode {
   fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
     ListNode {
       next: None,

fn main() {

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut prevNode: Option<Box<ListNode>> = None;
    let mut ret: Option<Box<ListNode>> = None;

    for d in 1..5 {
        let newNode = Some(Box::<ListNode>::new(ListNode::new(d)));
        match prevNode {
            None => { ret = newNode;},
            Some(mut n) => { = newNode;},

        prevNode = newNode;

This code doesn't compile because newNode isn't valid after being moved once. I understand the error, but I'm not really sure of how to fix this. I have tried to use different combinations of references and they all provide different errors.

If I use clone like the error suggests then the result is not what I want because then .next of a clone is modified instead of the original one.

Does anyone have some advice on how to solve this?

Linked lists are somewhat at heads with Rust's memory model. Fortunately there is an entire set of tutorials built around them: Introduction - Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists

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I unfortunately don't have time to write a detailed explanation, but you can make it work by doing something like this:

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut ret: Option<Box<ListNode>> = Some(Box::<ListNode>::new(ListNode::new(1)));
    let mut prevNode: &mut ListNode = ret.as_mut().unwrap();

    for d in 2..5 { = Some(Box::<ListNode>::new(ListNode::new(d)));
        prevNode =;
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Here's my first try at modifying the code

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut ret: Option<Box<ListNode>> = None;
    let mut prev_node_next: &mut Option<Box<ListNode>> = &mut ret;
    for d in 1..5 {
        let new_node = Some(Box::<ListNode>::new(ListNode::new(d)));
        *prev_node_next = new_node;
        match prev_node_next {
            None => { unreachable!() ; },
            Some(n) => { prev_node_next = &mut; },

and with some simplifications

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut ret: Option<Box<ListNode>> = None;
    let mut prev = &mut ret;

    for d in 1..5 {
        let node = Box::new(ListNode::new(d));
        prev = &mut prev.as_mut().unwrap().next

and taking it even further ends with

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut ret = None;
    let mut prev = &mut ret;
    for d in 1..5 {
        prev = &mut prev.insert(Box::new(ListNode::new(d))).next;

Edit: I couldn’t help but also add this single-line, single-expression, and hard-to-read solution nobody asked for:

use tap::Tap;
fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    None.tap_mut(|r| drop((1..5).fold(r, |p, d| &mut p.insert(Box::new(ListNode::new(d))).next)))

More realistically though, I suppose using just the fold could still make sense, somewhat:

fn createLinkedList() -> Option<Box<ListNode>> {
    let mut ret = None;
    (1..5).fold(&mut ret, |prev, d| {
        &mut prev.insert(Box::new(ListNode::new(d))).next

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