How to sort a Vec of floats?

The trait core::cmp::Ord is not implemented for the type f32 and f64, so we cannot use the sort() method in std for sorting an Vec of floats. Do we need implement it by hand?



fn main() {
    let mut v: [f32; 5] = [5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0];
    v.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap());
    assert!(v == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]);

For completeness, here's an implementation of the total ordering predicate from IEEE 754-2008. I haven't tested it with varying NaN payloads because I've stopped caring at this point.


macro_rules! assert_really_eq {
    ($lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => {
            let left = $lhs;
            let right = $rhs;
            if !left.really_eq(&right) {
                panic!("assertion failed: `(left === right)` (left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`)", left, right);

fn main() {
        let mut v: [f32; 5] = [5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0];
        v.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap());
        assert!(v == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]);

        use std::f32::{NAN, INFINITY, NEG_INFINITY};
        let NNAN = unsafe {
            use std::mem::transmute;
            transmute::<_, f32>(transmute::<_, u32>(NAN) | 0x8000_0000)

        let mut v: [f32; 7] = [5.0, NAN, 4.0, 1.0, NNAN, 3.0, 2.0];
        assert_really_eq!(v, [NNAN, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, NAN]);

        let mut v: [f32; 7] = [5.0, NAN, INFINITY, 1.0, NNAN, -3.0, NEG_INFINITY];
        assert_really_eq!(v, [NNAN, NEG_INFINITY, -3.0, 1.0, 5.0, INFINITY, NAN]);

        let mut v: [f32; 4] = [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.0];
        assert_really_eq!(v, [-1.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);

use std::cmp::Ordering;

pub trait Ieee754 {
    type Exponent;
    type NanPayload;

    fn exponent(self) -> Self::Exponent;
    fn is_really_neg(self) -> bool;
    fn is_signalling_nan(self) -> bool;
    fn nan_payload(self) -> Self::NanPayload;
    fn total_ord(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool;
    fn total_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Ordering;

impl Ieee754 for f32 {
    type Exponent = i16;
    type NanPayload = u32;

    fn exponent(self) -> Self::Exponent {
        use std::mem::transmute;
        unsafe {
            (((transmute::<_, u32>(self) >> 23) & 0xff) - 127) as i16
    fn is_really_neg(self) -> bool {
        use std::mem::transmute;
        unsafe {
            (transmute::<_, u32>(self) & 0x8000_0000) != 0
    fn is_signalling_nan(self) -> bool {
        use std::mem::transmute;
        unsafe {
            ((transmute::<_, u32>(self) >> 22) & 1) != 0
    fn nan_payload(self) -> Self::NanPayload {
        use std::mem::transmute;
        unsafe {
            transmute::<_, u32>(self) & 0x1f_ffff

    fn total_ord(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        // IEEE 754-2008 §5.10.
        let lhs = *self;
        let rhs = *rhs;

        if lhs < rhs { return true; }
        if lhs > rhs { return false; }
        if lhs == rhs {
            if lhs.really_eq(&-0.0) && rhs.really_eq(&0.0) { return true; }
            if lhs.really_eq(&0.0) && rhs.really_eq(&-0.0) { return false; }
            let lhs_exp = lhs.exponent();
            let rhs_exp = rhs.exponent();
            if lhs.is_sign_negative() && rhs.is_sign_negative() {
                return lhs_exp >= rhs_exp;
            return lhs_exp <= rhs_exp;

        // x and or y is/are unordered
        match (lhs.is_nan(), lhs.is_really_neg(), rhs.is_nan(), rhs.is_really_neg()) {
            (true, neg,     false, _)       => return neg,
            (false, _,      true, neg)      => return !neg,
            (true, true,    true, false)    => return true,
            (true, false,   true, true)     => return false,
            (true, _,       true, _)        => (),
            _ => unreachable!()

        let lhs_payload = lhs.nan_payload();
        let rhs_payload = rhs.nan_payload();
        let lhs_sig = lhs.is_signalling_nan();
        let rhs_sig = rhs.is_signalling_nan();
        match (!lhs.is_really_neg(), lhs_sig, rhs_sig, lhs_payload < rhs_payload) {
            (true, true, false, _) => true,
            (true, false, true, _) => false,
            (true, _, _, c) => c,
            (false, true, false, _) => false,
            (false, false, true, _) => true,
            (false, _, _, c) => !c

    fn total_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Ordering {
        match (self.total_ord(rhs), rhs.total_ord(self)) {
            (true, false) => Ordering::Less,
            (false, true) => Ordering::Greater,
            (true, true) => Ordering::Equal,
            _ => panic!("could not order {:?}, {:?}", self, rhs)

trait ReallyEq {
    fn really_eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool;

impl ReallyEq for f32 {
    fn really_eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        use std::mem::transmute;
        unsafe {
            transmute::<_, u32>(*self) == transmute::<_, u32>(*rhs)

impl<T> ReallyEq for [T]
where T: ReallyEq {
    fn really_eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        if self.len() != rhs.len() { return false; }
        self.iter().zip(rhs.iter()).all(|(a, b)| a.really_eq(b))

impl ReallyEq for [f32; 7] {
    fn really_eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        <[f32] as ReallyEq>::really_eq(self, rhs)

Thanks! What is the meaning of NNAN?

"Negative NaN".

quickersort supports sorting floats.


I happened to have this problem today and this topic was #1 while searching on DuckDuckGo. While @DanielKeep's solution seems very complete, it also seems like a bit of pain to include in my code. quickersort's README mentions it's deprecated. However, I found the ordered-float crate which seems to fit the bill quite nicely.


To add another alternative, my current favorite make-floating-point-less-painful crate is decorum.


5 years later, DanielKeep's suggestion above is available in nightly (not stable yet):

That'll probably be the way to go eventually, and has the advantage of also deterministically ordering things like -0.0 vs +0.0.

EDIT: further update for anyone who ends up here, f32::total_cmp is stable as of Rust 1.62 (June 2022).


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