How to run 'less' command for command line application

I'm trying to execute a 'less' command in my rust command line application.


In fact, I want the same behavior as git-diff. For instance:

The command...

$ git diff file.ext

... opens less (or pager configured in environment variables) ...

diff --git ...
# the actual diff

.. All pager commands are usable (vim-like moves for example),
and pressing q quit the pager and returns to terminal prompt ...

$ git diff file.ext
$ █

... git-diff command ends (return code 0).


This is what I tried for my cla (Command Line Application):

Rust Playground: Playground


use std::path::Path;

pub fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("/proc/cpuinfo");
        .expect("command failed");


$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/cla
$ █

The program just runs and returns exit code 0 but less is not opened.
How am I supposed to spawn a less command in my terminal ?


The code needs to wait for child process otherwise the program won't wait until less command exits:

use std::path::Path;

pub fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("/proc/cpuinfo");
        .expect("command failed")
        .expect("wait failed");

Does it work if you add a .wait().expect("wait failed") to your code? Otherwise your program won't wait until less exits.

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:raised_hands: this is exactly what I missed.
The code works as expected if I had .wait().expect("wait failed").
Thank you :grinning: !

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