How to extract integer part and decimal part from f64

Implement From trait for my struct: convert to my type from f64 value(extract integer part a and decimal part bc from f64 value that looks like a.bc, b and c are integers between 0 and 9)


#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct MoneyAmount {
    int_part: u16,
    deci_part: u8,

impl From<f64> for MoneyAmount {
    fn from(value: f64) -> Self {
        let int_part = value.trunc();
        let deci_part = (value - int_part) * 100.0;

        Self { 
            int_part: int_part as u16,
            deci_part: deci_part as u8,

Test Cases

mod tests{
    use super::*;

    // --- snip ---
    fn create_from_f64() {
        let money = MoneyAmount::from(0.00);
        assert_eq!(money, MoneyAmount::new(0, 0).unwrap());

        let money = MoneyAmount::from(1.00);
        assert_eq!(money, MoneyAmount::new(1, 0).unwrap());
        // failure here ↓
        let money = MoneyAmount::from(2.88);
        assert_eq!(money, MoneyAmount::new(2, 88).unwrap());

        let money = MoneyAmount::from(12.04);
        assert_eq!(money, MoneyAmount::new(12, 4).unwrap());

        let money = MoneyAmount::from(200.00);
        assert_eq!(money, MoneyAmount::new(200, 0).unwrap());


Failure Stdout

assertion `left == right` failed
  left: MoneyAmount { int_part: 2, deci_part: 87 }
  right: MoneyAmount { int_part: 2, deci_part: 88 }


When you type 2.88, it's not actually 2.88, its roughly 2.87999999999999989342 (see
That's why trunc returns the "wrong" result.

The solution is to never use floating point types in this scenario, but a decimal type found in the crates rust_decimal - Rust or bigdecimal - Rust


Thanks a lot, it's what I want :sunny:

It's an interesting exercise to implement a money type yourself; it teaches you a lot about the pitfalls around doing computation on exact precision values, of which there are many