How do I take a vector of function argument AST variants, extract the values, and use them to instantiate a function call?
I am writing an interpreter that evaluates certain expressions. Some of the expressions are function calls. I am having a hard time figuring out how to translate the function calls AST to the actual call. The AST gives me the function name and a vector of arguments. I can lookup the function pointer to call from the name using a map, but passing the arguments to the fp is problem. Rust does not have a splat operator (argument expansion). I could pass them as a tuple and use destructuring of the arguments, but I can't figure out how to convert the vector of AST argument enum variants to a tuple of the concrete types.
I can't simply map or loop over the AST arguments to extract the values and produce a tuple.
I can use nested tuples to build a heterogenous list incrementally:
fn prepend<I,T>(i: I, t: T) -> (I,T) { (i, t) }
fn foo() {
let x = ();
let x = prepend(1, x);
let x = prepend(2.0, x);
let x = prepend(true, x);
But that only works because x gets shadowed and the new binding has a different type. This won't work:
fn foo() {
let mut x = ();
x = prepend(1, x);
x = prepend(2.0, x);
x = prepend(true, x);
Any ideas?