How to convert unstructured tree into structured / recursive data?

This is a pretty general question, but hopefully someone here can have some guidance. For context, the problem I'm trying to solve is building an AST from pulldown-cmark. I will present the problem in a simplified manner.

I have a tree of Tags. A Tag is similar to the following enum:

enum Tag {

I also have a Tree that is built from these tags.

For reference, let's say the Tree looks like this:

struct TreeNode {
    children: Vec<TreeNode>
    data: Tag

This is the actual tree. The actual tree has a different format with a single child field, and each node has a next field to go to a sibling.

The issue is, the tree does not express child / parent constraints well. For example, a node with a data field set to Paragraph could have a child node with the data field set to List even though that wouldn't make sense.

I want to turn this tree into a strongly typed recursive data structure that has these constraints built in.

For example:

enum Block {

enum Inline {
     Link((String, String)),

However, I'm not sure how to do this. Every idea I have seems like it involves a ton of boilerplate b/c I need to do something of the form "If the current node is X, then the only acceptable child nodes are Y & Z" and this seems like a ton of manual labor.

Does anyone have thoughts?

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This is roughly what I do in grafiea:

fn walk_block(node: &TreeNode, block: &mut Vec<Block>) {
   match node.tag {
     // add to block directly
     // or recurse into walk_block
     Tag::List => {
       let inner_block = Vec::new();
       for n in node.children {
         walk_block(n, &mut inner_block);
     // or call walk_inline
fn walk_inline(node: &TreeNode, block: &mut Vec<Inline>) {

I prefer to pass a &mut Vec to the function instead of the function returning a Vec because it adds the flexibility of pushing any number of items to the list.

You could generate the conversion TreeNode -> AST with macros: here is a rough example: Rust Playground
There is the cost of writing the macro, but after that the code is pretty clean:

enum Tag {

struct TreeNode {
    children: Vec<TreeNode>,
    data: Tag,

enum ConversionError {

enum Block {

enum Inline {}

// etc...

Of course maybe generating the conversion is not so simple...

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