How to constrain the association type not to be equal to a type?

Hello Rustaceans.
I want to implement separate test methods for different association types.


use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin};

pub type BoxFuture<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static>>;

trait A {
    fn test(&self) -> BoxFuture<usize>;

trait B {
    type TestRet: Future<Output = usize>;
    fn test(&self) -> Self::TestRet;

impl<T: B> A for T
    fn test(&self) -> BoxFuture<usize> {

impl<T: B<TestRet = BoxFuture<usize>>> A for T // conflicting implementations of trait `A`
    fn test(&self) -> BoxFuture<usize> {

fn main() {


error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `A`
  --> src\
15 | impl<T: B> A for T
   | ------------------ first implementation here
22 | impl<T: B<TestRet = BoxFuture<usize>>> A for T // conflicting implementations of trait `A`
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0119`.

Is there a practice similar to the following

impl<T: B<TestRet != BoxFuture<usize>> A for T
    fn test(&self) -> BoxFuture<usize> {

This is impossible on stable Rust.

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