How does thread_rng() in the rand crate help me?

thread_rng is a very heavyweight random number generator, but even then your benchmark shows something like a 10% discrepancy. If you need random numbers for a simulation or something like that, use SmallRng instead.

@H2CO3's (quick) benchmark didn't show any relevant difference. The other benchmark did.

Am I running it incorrectly? In the playground:

   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1.44s
     Running `target/release/playground`
[src/] dt = 11.47068ms
[src/] dt = 12.598012ms

It's a "quick" benchmark and not very accurate. Try running it multiple times, and you'll notice that sometimes the first and sometimes the second result is greater.

@tguichaoua benchmark, in contrast, shows that calling thread_rng explicitly once and then using the ThreadRng (as Rng) is faster when you want to generate a lot of random values.

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