How do I access other variables inside impl?

Hi I am having a bit of problem with accessing a variable inside impl.

struct AllPaths
    userprofile             : PathBuf,
    dir_config_path         : PathBuf,
    file_config             : PathBuf,
impl AllPaths
    // Initializes
    fn init() -> Self
                let userprofile = Command::new("cmd.exe")
                .expect("Failed to execute command!");
                let mut userprofile = String::from_utf8_lossy(&userprofile.stdout).to_string();
                // Removes the enter and the carriage return characters
                for _ in 0..2
                let mut dir_config_path = PathBuf::from(userprofile.display().to_string()); // Error with userprofile

            file_config: PathBuf::from("startup_configuration.txt"),

How do I access the value of userprofile? in this line:

let mut dir_config_path = PathBuf::from(userprofile.display().to_string()); there is an error and I am not too sure how to access userprofile?

With the current structure of your code, you can't. You need to do it before you start the Self { ... } expression.

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