Help comparing Rust vs Julia speed

A small change that really ought not to matter, but sometimes does:

-pub fn npv(mortality_rates: &Vec<f64>, lapse_rates: &Vec<f64>, interest_rate: f64, sum_assured: f64, premium: f64, init_pols: f64, term: Option<usize>) -> f64 {
+pub fn npv(mortality_rates: &[f64], lapse_rates: &[f64], interest_rate: f64, sum_assured: f64, premium: f64, init_pols: f64, term: Option<usize>) -> f64 {

And even if it doesn't improve speed, it's better style -- it's more general as it allows passing subslices instead of requiring full vectors, without really any cost (not even syntax at the call site, as &Vec<T> will deref-coerce to &[T] automatically).

Can you share how you got the measurement you did? Anything below about 16ms is extremely sensitive to external stuff, and thus rather hard to benchmark reliably. Obligatory mention of - Documentation