FuturesUnordered - Reduce number of threads concurrently executing

I am trying to use UnorderedMap to simulate IoT devices on a large scale (>20k).

Unfortunately, UnorderedMap spawns a lot of threads and I am quickly running into OS limitations where the actual work is actually miniscule and could be done by very few threads - if not a single one.

extern crate error_chain;

extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_io;
extern crate tokio_periodic;
extern crate tokio_timer;

use futures::stream::Stream;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_core::net::TcpListener;

use futures::future::{Future, BoxFuture};
use futures::{Async,Poll};

use std::vec::Vec;

mod error {
error_chain! {
    foreign_links {
        Io(::std::io::Error) #[cfg(unix)];

    errors {
        Stuff(t: String) {
            description("invalid stuff")
            display("invalid stuff: '{}'", t)

        Things(v: String) {
            description("unknown thing"), // note the ,
            display("unknown thing: '{}'", v), // trailing comma is allowed

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Action {

use std::collections::VecDeque;

struct Squeeze {
    actions : Vec<Action>,
    current : Option<Action>,

impl Squeeze {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut x = Self {
            actions : vec![],
            current : None,

    pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Action> {
        self.current = self.actions.pop();

impl Stream for Squeeze {
    type Item = Action;
    type Error = error::Error;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
        // lazy_static!{
        //     let TIMER = Timer::default();
        // }
        if let Some(action) = self.next() {
            println!("Action {:?}", &action);
        } else {
            println!("No Actions left");
            //Ok(Async::NotReady) // still some actions to run

type MyFut = BoxFuture<(), error::Error>;

fn main() {
    let mut core = tokio_core::reactor::Core::new().unwrap();
    let handle = core.handle();

    let mut fmap = futures::stream::FuturesUnordered::new();

    for i in 0..4000 { // this can't go much higher without fiddling with OS limits, though not actually necessary
        let work_stream = Squeeze::new();
        let work_fut = work_stream.for_each(|action| {
            println!("Action by Future {:?}", action);
            let timer = tokio_timer::Timer::default();
            let sleep = timer.sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)).map_err(|e| error::ErrorKind::Stuff("Happy".into()).into());
        } );
    let _ = core.run(fmap.into_future());//.unwrap();

    println!("All work is done!");

1 Like

You’re running on a single Core which is a single thread internally. Where are you seeing many threads starting?

            // let timer = tokio_timer::Timer::default();
            // let sleep = timer.sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)).map_err(|e| error::ErrorKind::Stuff("Happy".into()).into());
            // sleep

            // futures::future::result::<(),error::Error>(Ok(()))

            use tokio_core::reactor::{Handle, Timeout};
            let timeout = Timeout::new(
            timeout.map(|_| {()} ).map_err(|_| { error::ErrorKind::Things("Test".into()).into()})

Using the Timeout from tokio_core seems to work way better, ps -eLF then only shows one process and at least up to 100_000 it works just fine.

ps -eLF just because the tokio core runs on a single core does not imply anything for the other crates/tokio extensions.

Output procuded utilizing tokio_timer

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bernhard 27698 27692 30774  0 3013 12:56 pts/4    00:00:00 target/debug/x

Just an excerpt from what it actually shows, ran via cargo r.

Yeah, I missed that you were using tokio_timer::Timer - that spawns a thread for each instance (and that's mentioned in its documentation). If you're working with Core and using components that don't take a Handle in their setup, you can be pretty certain they're not using the Core to drive themselves :slight_smile:.

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I must have missed that part of the documentation, I actually double checked but I guess I did not put enough attention to it.

For anyone reading this later, it's in the first sentence of this section (granted, this probably should be further up in the docs): tokio_timer - Rust