Closures in Rust are powerful and flexible, building on traits, generics and ownership.
Nice content. Good to know people write about Rust!
If closures map onto ref, ref mut and move, then why is FnOnce
not called FnMove
Discussion here.
That's a great article! There is one bit I cannot quite understand, though:
Since each closure has its own type, there’s no compulsory need for heap allocation when using closures: as demonstrated above, the captures can just be placed directly into the struct value.
How does each closure having a distinct type eliminate the need for heap allocation? Let's say i32
and Vec
have different types, but both are by default created on the stack (unless you use something like Box
As an additional question: what's the tradeoff between stack/heap allocation? I understand that heap allocation requires a runtime (you need to call malloc
from libc), but what does it offer over stack allocation?
Anything created on the stack is a local variable of some function. When that functions returns all it's local variables are removed from the stack. So things created on the stack are not available to the functions caller, they have a life time only as long as the function takes to run. Which is why returning references to local variables is a no-no.
Things created on the heap can outlive the function. A function can return a Box
of something.
That thing about closure types and stack vs heap is an interesting question.
About the distinct closure types, imagine all closures Fn(usize) -> bool
shared the same type. That would mean they all had the same size. However, the following two closures clearly have different storage requirements:
let closure1 = |i: usize| i % 2 == 0;
let data = [true, false, true, false, false];
let closure2 = move |i: usize| data[i % data.len()];
The first closure needs no storage at all, the second closure needs five bytes to store the array. Now to force all these closures into the same size you would have no choice but to store all state on the heap.
@ergates Well... the quote from the article says "there’s no compulsory need for heap allocation", but you are suggesting "there is a compulsory need for heap allocation"!
According to the article, Rust can put closures on the stack by placing the captures into an implicit anonymous struct
There is no compulsory need for heap allocation if the type you are using is the anonymous type associated with the closure. The main place where heap allocation helps is that two different closures have two different anonymous types, so you can't have a variable that can contain one or the other, since there's no appropriate choice of type. However, with heap allocation, it is possible to do this, since you can use the Box<dyn Fn()>
type, which any closure can be converted into.
Hi @nalzok!
The article said
Since each closure has its own type, there’s no compulsory need for heap allocation when using closures: as demonstrated above, the captures can just be placed directly into the struct value.
I was trying to illustrate this by showing how having multiple closures share the same type would leave no choice but to put the captures on the heap
@ergates Oh sorry I misread. That makes sense now!
To summarize, there are two things that you may sometimes need for a closure (that is, an instance of some type that implements the Fn…
on the one hand, you may need to return it from the current function, feed it to some API that may call it arbitrarily late (in Rust parlance, for this last requirement, we will say that the type of the closure needs to be
); -
on the other hand, you may need to unify the closure types of different closures into one. In Rust this is achieved through
Traits / trait "objects", which are a type-erased (unified) version of an instance, where the only thing we can do after the erasure is use the trait in question. In the case of closures, this means having to deal with thedyn Fn…
traits, for technical reasons, need to be used behind indirection / behind a pointer.So, this last need means, that if we take @ergates example, if we wanted
to be usable in the same place and thus require that they have the same type (e.g., to push both closures onto the sameVec
), we could perform this through-indirection:let closure1 = move /* nothing */ |i: usize| i % 2 == 0; let data = [true, false, true, false, false]; let closure2 = move /* data */ |i: usize| data[i % data.len()]; // Errors: // let vec: Vec<???> = vec![closure1, closure2]; // OK: let vec: Vec<&dyn Fn(usize) -> bool> = vec![&closure1, &closure2]; // OK
So, indirection (to perform
-erasure) is the key to single type unification.
This last point, alone, does not necessarily mean that heap allocation (in Rust, the Box
, Rc
or Arc
pointer types, mainly) needs to be involved.
The issue comes when both this requirements happen at the same type:
In order to feature type unification, we need indirection. But we if we don't resort to heap-allocated indirection (
, etc.), then we have to use stack-allocated / borrowing indirection (as in my example above):&
, etc. -
In order to return a value from a function, in this case, a closure having captured some env, then the closure needs to have no local borrows whatsoever, e.g., it needs to own its captures.
That's, thus, when Box
(or other heap-allocated) indirection is most often needed.
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