Extracting values from within an enum


I want to build a VM and have the commands represented as enums. Some commands should load constants so I have this. When I execute commands how can I unwrap the i32 from OpConstant?

enum OpCode {

Pattern matching.


thanks for your answer. but what I was looking for is not covered in there. right now I would solve it like this - extracting the value of an enum. But surely there must be a more elegant way?

enum TestEnum {

fn main() {

    let test = TestEnum::One(21);
    let mut int = 0;
    match test {
        TestEnum::One(i) => int = i,
        TestEnum::Two => println!("enum Two")
    println!("{}", int);

Have you looked at if let and let else ?

These might be a little more succinct if you only care about the one pattern/value

You can write it in one line if you want.

let int = if let TestEnum::One(i) = test { i } else { 0 };

If you are using this functionality a lot, I recommend write a function like this.

impl TestEnum {
   fn extract_one(&self) -> Option<i32> {
       if let TestEnum::One(i) = self { Some(*i) } else { None }
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More examples.

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thanks this is what I am looking for. But why do you write Some(*i) instead of Some(i)?

It is covered there, in the section for the link I sent:

You have to do a pattern match of some kind to extract data from an enum variant.

When you match on a reference, a variable in the pattern will also be a reference.

The code above is matching on self, which is a reference. Therefore, the variable in the pattern, i, is also a reference, it is type &i32. So when creating the return value, Option<i32>, i must be dereferenced to give an i32. This is why Some(*i) is used.

There are ways to create patterns where, instead of dereferencing the variable after matching, the dereferencing can be done in the pattern. But I suggest first learning the basics of pattern matching. The book has a whole chapter on it: Patterns and Matching. Pattern matching is a big part of Rust, and you can learn it a little at a time. But please do check the book for answers.