Debugger in RustRover spews errors about 'jb_renderers_set_markup'?

I installed the IntelliJ Rust plugin (which I guess is called RustRover?). So far so good, but debugging is has issues. I stopped in a place where I have a String variable num_text:

lldb) p num_text
error: 'jb_renderers_set_markup' is not a valid command.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users/rober/AppData/Roaming/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2024.3/plugins/intellij-rust/prettyPrinters\lldb_formatters\", line 171, in StdStringSummaryProvider
    return read_raw_string(data_ptr, length)
  File "C:\Users/rober/AppData/Roaming/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2024.3/plugins/intellij-rust/prettyPrinters\lldb_formatters\", line 90, in read_raw_string
    max_string_summary_length = get_max_string_summary_length(data_ptr.GetTarget().GetDebugger())
  File "C:\Users/rober/AppData/Roaming/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2024.3/plugins/intellij-rust/prettyPrinters\lldb_formatters\", line 82, in get_max_string_summary_length
    return int(max_len.GetStringAtIndex(0))
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'NoneType'

(alloc::string::String) num_text = {
  vec = size=71525472 {}

error: 'jb_renderers_set_markup' is not a valid command.

Three lines there look good. But anyone know how to get rid of the rest of that junk?

Second question: are basic methods like len() supposed to be available in the debugger?

(lldb) p num_text.len()
error: 'jb_renderers_set_markup' is not a valid command.
error: no field named len
error: 'jb_renderers_set_markup' is not a valid command.

This doesn't answer your question, but

Nope, they're different. And the chart below shows differences for debugging.