Curious scope rules when using `if let`

Hey there! Apologies if this has already been covered – I am extremely new to rust, so this is probably a pretty elementary question. I have a simplified example of an "upsert" function which runs exactly as expected.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;

struct Thing {
    name: String,
    version: u8

fn upsert(map: &mut BTreeMap<char, Thing>, id: char, name: String) {

    // perform an update
    if !match map.get_mut(&id) {
        Some(thing) => {
   = name.clone();
            thing.version = thing.version + 1;
        None => false

    // perform an insert
        map.insert(id, Thing{ name: name.clone(), version: 1 });

fn main(){

    let mut map: BTreeMap<char, Thing> = BTreeMap::new();
    map.insert('a', Thing{ name: "Alpha".to_string(), version: 1});
    map.insert('b', Thing{ name: "Beta".to_string(),  version: 1});
    map.insert('d', Thing{ name: "Delta".to_string(), version: 1});

    // performs an update
    upsert(&mut map, 'b', "Bravo".to_string());

    // performs an insert
    upsert(&mut map, 'c', "Charlie".to_string());

    println!("{:?}", map);


however, I initially wanted (and would still prefer) to write the upsert function without those booleans, which feel really clunky when the following should (based on my understanding) be safe:

fn upsert(map: &mut BTreeMap<char, Thing>, id: char, name: String) {

    // perform an update
    if let Some(thing) = map.get_mut(&id) { = name.clone();
        thing.version = thing.version + 1;

    // perform an insert
    else {
        map.insert(id, Thing{ name: name.clone(), version: 1 });

However, this throws an Error: cannot borrow `*map` as mutable more than once at a time... at the map.insert. It appears that the lifetime of thing ends when upsert ends; but shouldn't it end when the conditional expression ends? The variable isn't available outside that expression:

fn upsert(map: &mut BTreeMap<char, Thing>, id: char, name: String) {

    // perform an update
    if let Some(thing) = map.get_mut(&id) { = name.clone();
        thing.version = thing.version + 1;

    // Error: unresolved name `thing`...

Am I totally missing something here? Thanks in advance!

Borrows made in the expression of an if let persist until the end of the entire construct, including the else clause. I don't think anyone is particularly enthusiastic about this, but since you can work around it, I don't think it's a priority issue.

Either way, you probably want the BTreeMap::entry method for things like this.

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Oh wow, thanks for that link – that's exactly what I need here. I had a sense that while the borrow checker should ideally support this syntax, the fact that it didn't meant there was probably a more idiomatic way to accomplish such things. I am beginning to see that a semi-functional style might be a bit of a preference in Rust. Is that a fair statement?

Basicly, yes. Though pure functional approach is often much less performant: Rust is not fully functional language after all.

As for initial issue, I believe it's a known one. I couldn't find an issue in github, but I think there should be one. I hope the issue will be resolved some time soon.

Great to know. For anyone else who stumbles across this thread later on, I think this might be addressed by

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