Crate of the Week

I would like to nominate a ecosystem of crates I have worked on in the past month. It's a full port of the infamous Tower official crates to make use of the new upcoming (for now nightly only) async static fn trait possibilities. Bridging between the two worlds is possible as well. does not compile for now due to a bug in cargo doc, in regards to async static fn trait, but once that bug is fixed the documentation should be live as well. It's a new bug, because I use toolchain nightly-2023-07-07 where it does compile docs fine.

Feedback welcome. I mostly nominate it as I think with the upcoming stabilization of this feature, and given the fact that Rust Lang is promoting it via medium such as its blog, the community and rust ecosystem as a whole probably wants to start thinking about this and preparing for it, as it might be able to simplify a lot of code, even though it will require a major version update due to the massive breaking nature.

Beyond the fact that tower-async makes use of async static fn traits instead of hand written futures, it also got rid of the entire poll_ready concept, making the Service contract a lot simpler as well.