Hi all,
I'm rewriting an x86 PC emulator in Rust. Actually writing the logic itself has been a blast, but I have come to a point where I've had to rethink the overall architecture of the emulator. As can be seen in the simplified diagram below, the emulator is fairly complicated.
I have two crates: one for the CPU and one for the Bus and the various device models. Traditionally, the CPU talks to other components using callbacks and hooks, e.g. calling a function when a port or memory I/O access occurs. It typically works like this in other languages:
struct bus {
cpu_context *cpu;
struct cpu_context {
void *io_handler_opaque; // contains a pointer to the parent struct bus
void exec(cpu_context *cpu) {
switch (opcode) {
case 0xE4:
cpu->io_handler(cpu->io_handler_opaque, port);
void io_handler(void *opaque, uint16_t port) {
bus *bus = (bus*)opaque;
I am interested in seeing if there's a Rust analogue to this as well. Currently, my emulator is structured as a generator -- the emulator yields every time that it needs to handle I/O, but it not only adds a great deal of complexity, it also causes performance slowdowns, about a 2x performance degradation in the worst case.
All components are owned by the Bus
struct. This makes lifetime management easier, since when the Bus
is dropped, all of its components should be dropped as well. It's also responsible for keeping track of timing information. The problem is that components need to be able to call each other, and we can't do that if we don't pass a mutable reference to Bus
around. The only reasonable way that I have been able to achieve this in mostly-safe Rust code is to use Option::take()
pub struct Bus {
cpu: Option<Cpu>,
kbd: Option<KeyboardController>,
ioapic: Option<IoApic>,
pic: Option<Pic>,
ticks_run_so_far: u64,
impl Bus {
pub fn raise_irq(&mut self, irqn: u8) {
if let Some(mut pic) = self.pic.take() {
pic.raise_irq(self, irqn);
// do other stuff
self.pic = Some(pic);
impl Pic {
pub fn raise_irq(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, irqn: u8) {
// with &mut Bus, we can take some other component, e.g. ioapic
Passing around a bus: &mut Bus
pointer is fine for device models, but it's unacceptable for the CPU itself due to performance concerns (basically, this parameter would have to be passed to a significant portion of hot functions, even if the parameter is rarely used. Experiments indicate a 5-15% performance degradation). One nasty hack that I thought of was to store the &mut Bus
as a pointer of some kind inside of the CPU struct and promise never to read it unless invoking a callback.
type Callback = fn(*mut u8, u16) -> u16;
struct Cpu {
opaque: *mut u8,
read_io: Callback,
impl Cpu {
fn read_io(&mut self, port: u16) -> u16 {
self.read_io(self.opaque, port);
// bus.rs
fn read_io(opaque: *mut u8, port: u16) {
let bus = unsafe { opaque.as_mut().unwrap() };
impl Bus {
pub fn run(&mut self) {
if let Some(cpu) = self.cpu.take() {
// as if we're passing it as a parameter
cpu.opaque = self as *mut Self as *mut _ as *mut u8;
self.cpu = Some(cpu);
pub fn read_io(&mut self, port: u16) {
if port == 0 { /* ... */ }
This looks very ugly and introduces a whole host of potential safety issues, especially if users of Cpu
aren't diligent in making sure opaque
is set properly. I have two questions:
- Is there a way to handle this in a cleaner way, e.g. using closures?
- If not, does method mentioned have any UB?