Compilation help: type equality again?

pub trait Has<T1> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1;}

pub struct C1<T1> {
    c1: T1,}

impl<T1> Has<T1> for C1<T1> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

pub struct C2<T1, T2> {
    c1: T1,
    c2: T2,}

impl<T1, T2> Has<T1> for C2<T1, T2> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

impl<T1, T2> Has<T2> for C2<T1, T2> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

What is the simplest way to make this work? In the case of T1 == T2, I don't care which is returned (as long as it does not cause Rust UB).

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I have something like this, which compiles & runs, but I am uncomfortable with not knowing whether type inference (for the Index#) will always succeed when there is a unique solution. Is there any standard that guarantees this will work (when the types are different), or is there some mysterious limit where type checking will just give up:

pub struct Index0 {}
pub struct Index1 {}
pub struct Index2 {}
pub struct Index3 {}
pub struct Index4 {}
pub struct Index5 {}
pub struct Index6 {}
pub struct Index7 {}
pub struct Index8 {}

pub trait Has<T, Loc> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T;}

pub struct Row2<T0, T1> {
    c0: T0,
    c1: T1,}

impl<T0, T1> Row2<T0, T1> {
    pub fn new(c0: T0, c1: T1) -> Row2<T0, T1> {
        Row2 { c0, c1}}}

impl<T0, T1> Has<T0, Index0> for Row2<T0, T1> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T0 {

impl<T0, T1> Has<T1, Index1> for Row2<T0, T1> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

fn stuff<L0, L1, X: Has<i64, L0> + Has<i32, L1>>(x: X) -> i64 {
    (&x as &dyn Has<i64, L0>).get() + (*(&x as &Has<i32, L1>).get() as i64)}

fn test_00() {
    let x = Row2::<i64, i32>::new(1, 2);
    let y = stuff(x);
    println!("ans: {:?}", y);}
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Specialization might help with this, but I'm not yet sure how.

Negative trait bounds would probably solve this, but Rust doesn't implement them.
It could look something like this

impl<T1: !Has<T2>, T2: !Has<T1>> Has<T1> for C2<T1, T2> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

impl<T1: !Has<T2>, T2: !Has<T1> Has<T2> for C2<T1, T2> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T2 {

Also note that the type of get in impl Has<T2> for C2 is incorrect. It would also probably help others if you formatted your code (using cargo fmt for example).

This should unify fine - you can even elide the types at the callsite:

(&x as &dyn Has<_, L0>).get() + (*(&x as &dyn Has<_, L1>).get() as i64)

Note the _ underscores

I agree with this statement. I think there is a logical reason that type checking can not support negative traits, but I do not know what reason is.

I also agree with this statement; in particular something called min_specialization, but I have not figured out how to use it yet.

I would actually prefer to write x.get::<i64>() + (x.get::<i32>() as i64) but have not yet figured out how to do that.

Yeah, I'm not sure it's (supposed to be) possible.

This unfortunately doesn't work either:

struct True;
struct False;

trait Bool {}
impl Bool for True {}
impl Bool for False {}

trait IsNotEq<T2> {
    type Eq: Bool;

impl<T1, T2> IsNotEq<T2> for T1 {
    type Eq = True;

impl<T> IsNotEq<T> for T {
    type Eq = False;

What should <&'a str as IsNotEq<&'b str>>::Eq yield? The compiler is unable to yield a consistent answer to the "is 'a equal to 'b" problem when dealing with trait solving (it's a complete separate part from borrow checking, which is the one part of the language able to consistently reason about lifetimes).

  • And if the answer is incosistent, then you can trick the language into transmuting True into False and vice versa, that is, the language showcases type-related unsoundness, there. Hence why specialization was reduced to min_specialization, which denies such potentially ambiguous cases. The sad thing is that : 'static bounds on each type appearing on that snippet avoids the unsoundness issue (same reason why Any : 'static, by the way), but for some reason it doesn't help with the compilation :confused:

Anyhoo, here is a neat trick to help with the OP:

trait Has<T1, Direction = ()> {
    fn get (self: &'_ Self)
      -> &'_ T1

mod Direction {
    pub enum Left {}
    pub enum Right {}

struct C1<T1> {
    c1: T1,

impl<T1> Has<T1> for C1<T1> {
    fn get (self: &'_ C1<T1>)
      -> &'_ T1

struct C2<T1, T2> {
    c1: T1,
    c2: T2,

impl<T1, T2> Has<T1, Direction::Left>
    for C2<T1, T2>
    fn get (self: &'_ C2<T1, T2>)
      -> &'_ T1

impl<T1, T2> Has<T2, Direction::Right>
    for C2<T1, T2>
    fn get (self: &'_ C2<T1, T2>)
      -> &'_ T2

fn _with_basic<T1, T2> (c: C2<T1, T2>)
    let _: &T1 = c.get();
    let _: &T2 = c.get();

fn _with_equal<T> (c: C2<T, T>)
    // let _: &T = c.get(); // Error, type annotations needed
    let _: &T = Has::<_, Direction::Left>::get(&c);

Note that the type annotation ambiguity can be palliated by adding an inherent impl on C2<T, T>:

impl<T> C2<T, T> {
    fn get (self: &'_ C2<T, T>)
      -> &'_ T
        Has::<_, Direction::Left>::get(self)

That way, when T1 == T2, C2<T1, T2> will showcase an inherent impl that shall shadow the one from the trait, dodging the ambiguity (and thus using the impl from there, which I've arbitrarily chosen to pick from the left). And if we considern back the T1 = &'a str, T2 = &'b str kind of situation, then, well, depending on whether 'a is considered equal to 'b or not, there shall be ambiguity and a compilation error or not, which is not unsound and gives a chance to the programmer to disambiguate.


I think I am missing something basic. Is there a benefit of Left, Right vs Index0, Index1 ? In particular, I end up building something like:

pub struct Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8);

impl<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> {
    fn mget<T, Index: 'static>(&self) -> &T
        Self: Has<T, Index>,
        (self as &dyn Has<T, Index>).get()}}

impl<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> {
    pub fn new(
        c0: T0,
        c1: T1,
        c2: T2,
        c3: T3,
        c4: T4,
        c5: T5,
        c6: T6,
        c7: T7,
        c8: T8,
    ) -> Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> {
        Row9(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8)}}

impl<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Has<T0, Index0>
    for Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>
    fn get(&self) -> &T0 {

impl<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Has<T1, Index1>
    for Row9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>
    fn get(&self) -> &T1 {

Sorry, missed the post with your Indexes. So you're right, it's really the same solution :sweat_smile:

If you have that many indices, by the way, you could even go and use:

enum Index<const N: usize> {}

to write Index<0>, Index<1>, and so on. This could have the advantage to let you write some (other) trait with a get_nth::<3>(row) :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for clarifying. One thing I am still uncomfortable with this solution -- is Rust's type checker inference guaranteed to run to completion, or is there some level of complexity where the type inference engine goes:

  • maximum recursion level reached
  • I give up
  • user needs to specify more info

in which case, this solution breaks down

I'm not knowledgeable enough of the actual compiler internals to answer that (most of my knowledge is empirical :sweat_smile:), but these inference / trait solving problems look like existential logic-based solving problems; in practice they are impressively powerful and good at solving this kind of problems, although in theory they are "too expressive" / powerful (Turing complete) which makes them generally undecidable / there exist inputs that will make the trait solver "try to loop indefinitely" (which, for the sake of user feedback, will probably hit a hard-coded recursion limit in the compiler (which thus means that rather than Turing complete, there are legitimately correct code inputs that trigger a compiler error; off the top of my head I'd say that already if you nest a type too much (e.g., Option<Option<… 260 times … <()>> … >) you can hit these hard-coded errors)).

  • This whole blog post is a very interesting read as a whole, and has a dedicated section where it talks about trait solving / unification, which seems impressively relevant here:

In practice, for your use case, I'd say that solving these type inference problems (inferring the Index{…} types) is trivial for it to solve, and that thus the only limitation you will hit is when you have duplicated types which make the solutions non-unique, and thus require disambiguation.


There are recursion limits in place for the type checker, but they can be raised with the #![recursion_limit = "..."] directive. Without the limit, though, you still can’t ensure the compilation will complete because the trait solver is Turing-complete all on its own. (cf Appendix A of my Master's thesis)


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