Cfg(test) vs test attribute


I’ve always done the recommended setup for adding tests to a source file: make a tests submodule, cfg it out, and put your tests in there.

How does this compare to just dropping a function with #[test] at the end of the file? If you aren’t using and dev dependencies, and don’t require the use of any test code, is there a real difference?

The #[cfg(test)] attribute tells the compiler to ignore the item when not compiling tests. The #[test] attribute tells the compiler to run the function when cargo test is issued.

If your test doesn't have #[cfg(test)] on it, it is also compiled when building non-tests.

Actually #[test] also implies #[cfg(test)]. But it's common for real test cases to have bunch of support functions/constants/statics. If you don't wrap them with the #[cfg(test]-ed module they'll likely be included into the final binary.


Ah, interesting. I didn't know that.


Thanks! This is what I suspected. Sounds like just using #[test] when there are only test functions (no statics or helper functions) is just fine then.

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