Cfg test does not work with integration tests

I am trying to build a basic terminal utility. This terminal utility uses Telegram bot API under the hood and I use clap to implement this utility.

Since the application uses real HTTP server to operate, I thought it would be better to mock the HTTP. Then I have found mockito and this amazing article showing how to test terminal applications.

I have tried to glue them together. Firstly, I get the API URL as below:

// related imports
fn get_base_url<'a>() -> &'a str {

fn get_base_url<'a>() -> &'a str {

As you might have guessed, the first get_base_url function is compiled into binary when it is not test while the second one is compiled in testing environment.

I do not know if relevant but here is my integration test in tests/ directory:

fn test_successful_authentication() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/foo/getMe")
    let out = process::Command::new("./target/debug/tgcli")
        .expect("failed to execute tgcli");
    let out_text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stdout);
    println!("{}", out_text);
    assert!(out_text.contains("Bot authenticated successfully."))  // fails here

Test fails on assertion. I have put a println! over there to see what the content is. Thanks to log and fern, I have seen what URL reqwest was requesting and it was the real API URL.

Do you know why #[cfg(test)] does not compile while running integration tests?

Thanks in advance.


  • cargo 1.40.0
  • rustc 1.40.0


clap = "2.33.0"
log = "0.4.8"
fern = "0.5.9"
chrono = "0.4.10"
reqwest = { version = "0.10.0", features = ["blocking"] }
serde = "1.0.104"
serde_json = "1.0.44"

mockito = "0.22.0"
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Your test is running the debug build of your binary as a separate process. It should work if you call the code directly that its running in that test function rather than spawning the binary as a separate process. There may be a way to call the test build of the binary, but I'm not sure what that is.

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Even if you fixed the issue of running the non-test debug executable, it still wouldn't work. See here for more details.

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Welp, that's a shame. :frowning_face:

There is simply no way to test my CLI application in this context then. I have also tried #[cfg(debug_assertions)] in some places but that didn't qiute work either (import errors).

You could expose functions that accept cli arguments as a list of string slices, and routes that through the normal argument parsing code?

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That seems viable. I'll try that.

If you have a function that takes clap matches and does the thing, you can construct the matches from a vec instead of the command line for for tests.

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So I have finally arrived at conclusion that it will be better if I abstract away the functionality of my commands with independent functions and test these exact functions.

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