Call make before cargo build

Hi all,

I have a makefile

to run in order to build a library before to call cargo. Is there any way to do this ?

I tried but no success. Is the right way?

Thanks a lot.

What did you try in

To run make but I don't know from where the commands started form are run.

Yes, right way. You can try use crate to simpify things. If you see errors, post them here.

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Another solution may be to do it in the opposite order: call cargo build from the makefile.

Actually, I solved it using an env variable which is passed to the makefile, and allow conditional compilation:

    // compile luacall library: OS dependant
    if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
        // makefile is using a special env variable
                .env("LUA_DIR", lua_dir)
                .args(&["-f", "src/lua/luacall_linux.mak"])
                .expect("failed to make!");

and it works pretty well (at least for Linux !)

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