I am working on a C library wrapper in rust. The library is a plugin SDK with which you can write plugins for an application (obviously). I create a static wrapper ("rlib") and the actual rust plugin (in my case the example plugin) is a dynamic system library ("dylib") which can be directly called by the application. The wrapping works great so far, but I have a (conceptual) problem with the plugin's setup function. It is called by the application for every plugin and I have implemented it, the function is called in the static wrapper, all good so far. But here comes the problem:
I don't know how I can provide a way the user of the wrapper (again the example plugin in my case) can provide a custom setup function. I don't want the user to implement the extern native function directly (and I also need to do some wrapper there), so I need some way to register the setup function the user provides, but since it all is inside of libraries I don't have any main function to register any events or something else.
Call stack: Application -> Native C Function -?> Custom rust function
So: Is there anyway I can call a function or register a function to be called from within the wrapper crate without this function being defined inside the wrapper crate (but inside the custom plugin)?
In C I can easily do this by declaring the function but not defining it and then when the C SDK is static linked define the function in the custom C plugin.
I hope my explanation is understandable, otherwise I'll provide you with more information.
Thank you in advance,