Apply Proc Macro to entire file?


I'm writing a tool testing tool and would like to hijack imports to the proptest library and redirect it to my custom proptest clone. Redirecting at the Cargo.toml level is not desirable for this project, so I'm doing this by wrapping the entire file with a translation macro that overwrites use proptest with use mytool_proptest. Is there a way to do this without explicitly wrapping the entire file with my translation macro? It seems I cannot use derive for the entire file, but some similar feature would be nice.

What I currently have.

mytool_translate! {

use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
fn test( x in any<i32>()) {
// ...


Which expands to

use mytool_proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
fn test( x in any<i32>()) {
// ...

What I would like to have:


use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
fn test( x in any<i32>()) {
// ...

And still have it expand to the same code (code block 2).

Thanks you!

It is not currently possible to apply an attribute macro as an inner attribute or to a module in a separate file.

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Do you happen to know if there is a unstable or RFC to do this? our tool already hacks some rustc internals, so we can maybe merge that in.

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