API design: taking self by shared or exclusive ref, and figuring out if tower::Service is a good choice for HTTP

I'm writing a client for a type of API-based HTTP service. Because the API crate is useful as a library crate and HTTP is used trivially I'd like to not pick the HTTP implementation myself, though so far I'll be using hyper in the top-level program. I'd also like the HTTP client to be required as late as possible in the build for better build parallelism.

hyper::Client::request is the only method I really need from an http client, and I can easily keep an hyper::Client in my ApiClient struct.

If I try to switch to the Tower Service trait, which seems like a sufficiently generic abstraction that has no dependencies, my ApiClient<S: tower_service::Service> is forced to take &mut self on almost all methods, despite keeping no relevant state. This is a poor abstraction because my API is stateless, the HTTP layer also is, and my API becomes much harder to use.

I might still be able to work with tower by having ApiClient require an S: Clone bound as well and implementing Service on &hyper::Client (references are cloned for free), but at this point the traits are working against me.

What is the simplest abstraction I could use for HTTP? Something like Fn(Request) -> ResponseFuture? Is there something like that already defined?

Implementing tower::Service for a shared reference type seems reasonable to me (and it follows a pattern that appears even in std, like impl<'a> Read for &'a TcpStream). I don't understand what you have in mind here:

Why would Clone necessarily be involved with this approach?

The clone idea was something like this:

struct ApiClient<S: Service + Clone> {
    http: S,

impl<S: Service + Clone> ApiClient {
    pub async fn frobs(&self) {
        let mut http = self.http.clone();

Now frobs doesn't need &mut self, but it's not great, because you wouldn't want to actually use it on a random Service impl, only one that is trivial to clone.

Anyway, I went with my own trait, which is easily satisfied by hyper, isahc and surf:

pub trait HttpClient {
    fn call(&self, request: Request<Body>) -> Self::ResponseFuture;
    type ResponseFuture: Future<Output = std::result::Result<Response<Body>, Self::Error>> + Send;
    type Error: Into<crate::Error>;

pub struct HttpFn<F> {
    f: F,

pub fn http_fn<F>(f: F) -> HttpFn<F> {
    HttpFn { f }

impl<F, R, E> HttpClient for HttpFn<F>
    F: Fn(Request<Body>) -> R,
    R: Future<Output = std::result::Result<Response<Body>, E>> + Send,
    E: Into<crate::Error>,
    type ResponseFuture = R;

    type Error = E;

    fn call(&self, request: Request<Body>) -> Self::ResponseFuture {

Can be used like this:

let client = hyper::Client::new();
let http = http_fn(move |r| client.request(r));

It can't wrap a tower_service::Service without interior mutability or cloning shenanigans, but it seems Tower support is less practical than the rest of the http ecosystem.

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