Any safety/provenance difference between ways of casting byteslice to integer?


unsafe fn v1(x: &[u8]) -> &u32 {
    &*(x.as_ptr() as *const u32)

unsafe fn v2(x: &[u8]) -> &u32 {
    &*(&x[0] as *const u8 as *const u32)

unsafe fn v3(x: &[u8]) -> &u32 {
    &*(x as *const [u8] as *const u32)

Are these all equally valid? unsafe due to assumption slice is memory sufficiently aligned for u32. I know this is ignoring endianness, just trying to understand if the provenance of these differ, e.g. does &x[0] narrow us down to only looking at the first element, so using it to produce a u32 pointer that touches the rest of the slice may be UB?

AFAIK, it does, so this does make a difference. Have you checked what miri has to say when testing these code examples?

Edit: As expected, miri does report the difference. Run it under "Tools" in this playground: Rust Playground


That's an interesting way to align a repr(C) struct:

struct Align([u32; 0], [u8; 4]);

I haven't seen it anywhere before, probably because C itself disallows length-0 array members. I guess it uses the requirement that &align.0 as &[u32] must be properly aligned?

The two other methods are fine, for the record.

Yep miri agrees the other two work. Thanks all.

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