ZST: Why do these two functions behave differently? How should I properly understand it?

Everyone knows that ZST is an exciting feature in Rust, and I like it very much.

However, I found that in practical use, the performance obtained from the following two functions is completely different. But in my understanding, ZST should ensure they are the same. Is this a misunderstanding on my part? If so, how should I set my expectations for ZST?

use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkId, Criterion};
use rand::prelude::*;

pub struct Container<NoZst, MaybeZST> {
    values: Vec<Data<NoZst, MaybeZST>>,

impl<NoZst, MaybeZST> Container<NoZst, MaybeZST> {
    pub fn get_maybe_zst_slow(&self, i: usize) -> MaybeZST
        MaybeZST: Copy,

    pub fn get_maybe_zst_fast(&self, i: usize) -> MaybeZST
        MaybeZST: Copy + Default,
        if std::mem::size_of::<MaybeZST>() == 0 {
            return Default::default();


struct Data<NoZst, MaybeZST> {
    _no_zst: NoZst,
    maybe_zst: MaybeZST,

fn random_container<T: Copy + Default>(size: usize) -> Container<u64, T> {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    Container {
        values: (0..size)
            .map(|_| Data {
                _no_zst: rng.gen(),
                maybe_zst: Default::default(),

fn bench_zst_visit(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let mut group = c.benchmark_group("zst_visit");
    const N: usize = 100_000_000;
    let container = random_container::<()>(N);

    for i in [10_000usize, 100_000usize] {
        group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("slow", i), &container, |b, container| {
            b.iter(|| {
                for j in 0..i {
                    container.get_maybe_zst_slow(j % N);
        group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new("fast", i), &container, |b, container| {
            b.iter(|| {
                for j in 0..i {
                    container.get_maybe_zst_fast(j % N);

criterion_group!(benches, bench_zst_visit);

The result is as follows:

zst_visit/slow/10000    time:   [22.437 µs 22.531 µs 22.652 µs]
zst_visit/fast/10000    time:   [0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps]
zst_visit/slow/100000   time:   [223.97 µs 224.02 µs 224.08 µs]
zst_visit/fast/100000   time:   [0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps]

The only difference here is that the fast version isn't doing bounds checking. It has nothing to do with the ZST. Try this:

pub fn get_maybe_zst_fast(&self, i: usize) -> MaybeZST
    MaybeZST: Copy + Default,
    if std::mem::size_of::<MaybeZST>() == 0 {
        assert!(self.values.len() > i);
        return Default::default();


Or if you want the slow one to match the fast one:

pub fn get_maybe_zst_slow(&self, i: usize) -> MaybeZST
    MaybeZST: Copy + Default,
    self.values.get(i).map(|v| v.maybe_zst).unwrap_or_default()

You are truly amazing. I tried it, and it is indeed the case. Thank you very much.

Hello, I recently added diagnostics to get_maybe_zst_fast and found that the performance is the same as get_maybe_zst_slow, indicating that the reason get_maybe_zst_slow is slower is due to additional boundary diagnostics.

However, when I tried the get_maybe_zst_slow version you proposed, I encountered an error:

thread 'main' panicked at .../plotters-0.3.7/src/coord/ranged1d/types/numeric.rs:243:1:
assertion failed: !(range.0.is_nan() || range.1.is_nan())
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

error: bench failed, to rerun pass `--bench zst

I tried to resolve it but failed. Do you have any ideas?

This error may be unrelated to Rust itself, but rather caused by Criterion. Perhaps I should ask elsewhere.