Wrapping iterator to always return at least one element

Say I have an iterator b that yields T. I want to wrap it in another iterator a that yields Option<T> with the following behavior:

  • If b is empty, then a yields None exactly once
  • If b has elements, then a yields Some(x) for all x in b

Does this already exist somewhere?

This is handy when when iterating a tree from some node back up to the root -- starting at some node and going up the tree back to the root, I need to do work for every (parent, child) pair, but the root doesn't have a parent. So if I just do for parent in node.parents() I accidentally skip doing any work for the root. Functions in the loop body that take a node and its parent allow passing None for the parent to make this seamless.

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I wrote my own implementation, here in case anybody needs it, but still curious if I'm reinventing the wheel. Also wouldn't mind review feedback :slight_smile:

enum AtLeastOnceState {

struct AtLeastOnce<T: Iterator> {
    underlying: T,
    state: AtLeastOnceState,

impl<T: Iterator> AtLeastOnce<T> {
    fn new(underlying: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            state: AtLeastOnceState::Start,

impl<T: Iterator> Iterator for AtLeastOnce<T> {
    type Item = Option<T::Item>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.state {
            AtLeastOnceState::Start => {
                let first = self.underlying.next();
                match &first {
                    None => {
                        self.state = AtLeastOnceState::Done;
                    Some(x) => {
                        self.state = AtLeastOnceState::Yielding;
            AtLeastOnceState::Yielding => {
                let elem = self.underlying.next();
                match &elem {
                    None => {
                        self.state = AtLeastOnceState::Done;
                    Some(x) => Some(elem),
            AtLeastOnceState::Done => None,

I din’t think there’s anything builtin, but you can combine some of the standard adapters to make it happen:

fn at_least_once<I:Iterator>(iter:I)->impl Iterator<Item=Option<I::Item>> {
        .filter_map(|x| match x {
            (0,None) => Some(None),
            (_,None) => None,
            (_,Some(x)) => Some(Some(x)),

fn main() {

Ah that's way more concise, I hadn't thought about using enumerate to enable special first case behavior!

Your version can be cleaned up a lot by matching on tuples instead of writing nested matches:


fn next(&mut self)->… {
    use AtLeastOnceState::*;
    let next = self.underlying.next();
    let (state, ret) = match (self.state, next) {
        ( Done,     _       ) => ( Done,     None          ),
        ( Start,    None    ) => ( Done,     Some(None)    ),
        ( Yielding, None    ) => ( Done,     None          ),
        ( _,        Some(x) ) => ( Yielding, Some(Some(x)) ),
    self.state = state;

You can also get the desired behaviour with from_fn:

fn transform<I: Iterator>(mut it: I) -> impl Iterator<Item=Option<I::Item>> {
    let mut polled = false;
    std::iter::from_fn(move || {
        if !polled {
            polled = true;
        } else {

@afetisov wasn't familiar with from_fn, nice :smiley:

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