Why there are no traits for creating iterators out of collections?

From the rust std doc there are 3 ways to get an iterator from a collection out of which 1 is provided by the IntoInter trait. Why iter() and iter_mut() do not have traits for them ? Is it a convention that collections needs to provide an iter()/iter_mut() method ? in which case why cant the convention become a trait in the std library ? I did not come across any trait that provides the 2 methods iter()/iter_mut() within the rust std library. Is this intentional by design ? in which case what was the reason behind this decision ?

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IntoIterator is that trait. The trick is that it's implemented for references to those collections.

  • (&vec).into_iter() gets you the same iterator as vec.iter().
  • (&mut vec).into_iter() gets you the same iterator as vec.iter_mut().

There are a lot of things enabled by trait implementations on references and other pointer types.


@kpreid Thank you. It just occurred to me that traits implemented on T is different from traits implemented on &T and &mut T . Its very subtle and fine observation to make.

For those following this thread please take a look at the following:

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Another reason is that separate traits for iter(&self) -> Iter<'_> and iter_mut require GATs, but GATs are much newer than those APIs.

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