Why explicit lifetime is needed in the following code?

trait Container {
    type Value;
    fn first(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Value;
trait Wrapper {
    type ConcreteContainer: Container;
    fn container(&mut self) -> &mut Self::ConcreteContainer;
impl<V, C, W> Container for W 
    C: Container<Value = V>,
    W: Wrapper<ConcreteContainer = C>
    type Value = V;
    fn first(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Value {
        self.container().first() // Here is error: the parameter type `C` may not live long enough

It seems like

  • first (in the trait) returns a reference to Value that lives not less than self (Container)
  • container returns a reference to ConcreteContainer that lives not less than self (Wrapper)

So does self.container().first() returns a reference to Value that lives not less than self (Container)?

But following works:

trait Container<'a> {
    type Value;
    fn first(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut Self::Value;
trait Wrapper {
    type ConcreteContainer: for <'a> Container<'a>;
    fn container(&mut self) -> &mut Self::ConcreteContainer;
impl<'a, V, C, W> Container<'a> for W 
    C: 'a + Container<'a, Value = V>,
    W: Wrapper<ConcreteContainer = C>
    type Value = V;
    fn first(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut Self::Value {

It looks like a case of this compiler bug: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/74007

You can work around this by changing how you refer to the associated types C and V:

trait Container {
    type Value;
    fn first(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Value;
trait Wrapper {
    type ConcreteContainer: Container;
    fn container(&mut self) -> &mut Self::ConcreteContainer;
impl<W> Container for W 
    W: Wrapper
    type Value = <W::ConcreteContainer as Container>::Value;
    fn first(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Value {

Thanks! You've discovered a new syntax for me)

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