I am trying to create some sort of ECS as a learning for myself. I store Box<dyn Any> in a HashMap and downcast them when needed.
In short:
struct Foo {
bar: u8
fn main() {
let foo = Box::new(Foo { bar: 0 }) as Box<dyn Any>;
let x = foo.downcast_ref::<Foo>();
println!("{:?}", foo);
println!("{:?}", x);
// Output:
// foo: Any
// x: Some(Foo { bar: 0 })
Now, I want to add some standard behavior to my items, like debugging (so when debugging I don't see Any and serialization, so decided to make a subtrait:
trait Component : Any + Debug {}
impl Component for Foo {}
And when I try this, I get dynamically the correct Debug behavior:
let foo = Box::new(Foo { bar: 0 }) as Box<dyn Component>;
println!("foo: {:?}", foo);
// Output:
// foo: Foo { bar: 0 }
So far so good, but when I want to downcast I get this:
let x = foo.downcast_ref::<Foo>();
// ERROR: no method named `downcast_ref` found for type `std::boxed::Box<dyn Component>` in the current scope
What am I missing? The trait Component is a subtrait of Any and as such should have the downcast_ref method right?
Thanks, I tried it and it compiles, however the output is None
let foo = Box::new(Foo { bar: 0 }) as Box<dyn Component>;
let x = Any::downcast_ref::<Foo>(&foo);
println!("x: {:?}", x);
// Output: x: None
This has to do with the fact that it can not by downcasted I think, or the type is wrong.
When trying:
let foo = Box::new(Foo { bar: 0 }) as Box<dyn Component>;
let unboxed = foo.as_ref();
let x = Any::downcast_ref::<Foo>(unboxed);
println!("x: {:?}", x);
I get:
17 | let x = Any::downcast_ref::<Foo>(unboxed);
| ^^^^^^^ expected trait `std::any::Any`, found trait `Component`
= note: expected type `&(dyn std::any::Any + 'static)`
found type `&dyn Component`
But I don't understand. Component is a subtrait of Any.
Subtrait relationship isn't special in trait object. A trait object in Rust is simply a pair of a pointer to the concrete type and a pointer to the static table that contains function pointers of methods declared in the trait definition.
You may ask why those vtables don't contains subtrait's methods. Such inclusion will increase the size of vtable, but we don't see a net gain for it. Subtrait relationship is not a subtyping, it's more like a implementation dependency.
But then I do not know if my desired behavior is actually possible?
I want to store and retrieve arbitrary types which have certain requirements enforced by traits. I would say that it is not an uncommon use case when something like a Command pattern is used, of in my case an Entity Component architecture.
The issue lies with .downcast_ref::<T>() being an associated method / function of dyn Any + 'static (and dyn Any + Send + 'static as well as dyn Any + Send + Sync + 'static).
The main reason for that being that downcast_ref is generic and thus requires a static dispatch, which requires an arbitrary number of monomorphisations, which is obviously impossible to store within a fixed-size (v)table of function pointers.
Hence the solution suggested by @sinkuu, which can be made slightly more ergonomic by also adding ourselves inherent methods to dyn Component + 'static:
So, I combined the solution of @sinkuu with a custom derive macro, something I haven't done before. The reason I did it is that I needed Serialization and by adding a Serialize type bound it was impossible to create an object, since trait objects don't allow generic type parameters.
I combined the typetag crate with custom derive macro:
pub fn derive_component(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
fn impl_derive_component(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let name = &ast.ident;
let gen = quote! {
impl ecs::Component for #name {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
self as &dyn Any
fn as_mut_any(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
self as &mut dyn Any
and this leads to the following usage:
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Component)]
struct Foo {
bar: u8
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Component)]
struct Bar {
foo: u8
fn main() {
let foo = Foo { bar: 42 };
let bar = Bar { foo: 22 };
let foo_boxed: Box<dyn Component> = Box::new(foo);
let bar_boxed: Box<dyn Component> = Box::new(bar);
println!("{:?}", &foo_boxed);
println!("{:?}", &bar_boxed);
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&foo_boxed).unwrap());
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&bar_boxed).unwrap());
println!("{}", serde_yaml::to_string(&foo_boxed).unwrap());
println!("{}", serde_yaml::to_string(&bar_boxed).unwrap());
Foo { bar: 42 }
Bar { foo: 22 }
type: Foo
bar: 42
type: Bar
foo: 22
A minor improvement, in case you want to support generic types (which ::typetage::serialize does, whereas ::typetag::deserialize does not), is to add the generic parameters to the impl (your macro currently ignores them):
extern crate proc_macro;
use ::proc_macro::TokenStream;
use ::quote::quote;
use ::syn::{
#[proc_macro_derive(Component)] pub
fn impl_derive_component (
input: TokenStream
) -> TokenStream
let DeriveInput { ident, generics, .. } =
let krate = quote! {
::crate_name // the name of your frontend library crate
let Any = quote! {
// #krate /* if reexport of core: `#[doc(hidden)] pub use ::core;` in frontend crate */
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clauses) =
TokenStream::from(quote! {
#[/* #krate:: */::typetag::serde] // if `#[doc(hidden)] pub use ::typetag;` in frontend crate
impl #impl_generics #krate::ecs::Component
for #name #ty_generics
fn as_any (self: &'_ Self) -> &'_ dyn #Any
fn as_mut_any (self: &'_ mut Self) -> &'_ mut dyn #Any