Why do so many examples use 'extern crate'?

Just for completeness: while it is true that extern crate "statements" are not needed in edition 2018 anymore (except for test, or, for older compiler version, proc_macro), the #[macro_use] extern crate ... idiom can still be useful (in that it cannot be replicated by use "statements"). Indeed, once you #[macro_use] extern crate some_crate, all the macros exported by ::some_crate are in scope even inside (sub)modules:

//! Entrypoint: `lib.rs` or `main.rs`

extern crate log;

mod something {
    // `debug!` can be used here


mod something {
    // `::log::debug!` (or `log::debug!` if no (other) `log` item in scope) can be used here
// or
mod alternative {
    use ::log::debug; // or `log::debug` if no (other) `log` item in scope

    // `debug!` can be used here.

Basically, with use "statements", macros behave like any other item (function, type) regarding namespaces and scopes, but it can sometimes be convenient to be able to add something to this "global / ubiquitous scope" (called the prelude). And the only way to do so currently is by using #[macro_use] extern crate ....

Ideally, there should be an actual mechanism to customize one's prelude, and once that's available, #[macro_use] extern crate could definitely be deprecated.

Also, see this other post where I detail how one can "hand-roll a custom prelude": What's the difference between 'extern crate' and write into cargo.toml - #20 by Yandros