Where on Earth is ParquetFileArrowReader?

Example here shows it at parquet::arrow in crate parquet.

(That example will not compile due to the missing import in a project using latest of all arrow-rs subcrates.)

arrow is a standard feature in crate parquet.

I cloned the entire enclosing repo, arrow-rs, and a grep shows results only in comments and the change log:

./parquet/src/arrow/arrow_reader/mod.rs:    /// `ParquetFileArrowReader` using a standard set of parameters
./parquet/src/arrow/arrow_reader/mod.rs:    /// `ParquetFileArrowReader` using the parameters described in
./CHANGELOG-old.md:- `ParquetFileArrowReader::get_record_reader[_by_column]` `batch_size` overallocates [\#2321](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/issues/2321) [[parquet](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/labels/parquet)]
./CHANGELOG-old.md:- Add `ParquetFileArrowReader::try_new` [\#1782](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1782) [[parquet](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/labels/parquet)] ([tustvold](https://github.com/tustvold))
./CHANGELOG-old.md:- Simplify ParquetFileArrowReader Metadata API [\#1773](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1773) [[parquet](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/labels/parquet)] ([tustvold](https://github.com/tustvold))
./CHANGELOG-old.md:- Add `ArrowReaderOptions` to `ParquetFileArrowReader`, add option to skip decoding arrow metadata from parquet \(\#1459\) [\#1558](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1558) [[parquet](https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/labels/parquet)] ([tustvold](https://github.com/tustvold))

(And the changelog suggests it still exists...)

I've Googled extensively with no resolution.

This is the very first time I've ever had an issue like this in Rust after having worked with a dozen or more libraries.

I have to be missing something very obvious. This is frustrating.

It looks to me like ParquetFileArrowReader indeed has gone missing. References to it on the net are stale.

This seems odd, but seems to be the case.

Here is an example of reading a parquet file (from 2021) using arrow that works: Effectively Access Parquet Formatted Data From Rust

It was removed in 39.0.0:

(after being deprecated in 21.0.0)


Would've been great if that was in the change log. :slight_smile:

There's also this which looks more arrowy? (No idea which you need.)


Jup, the changelog isn't very descriptive. I did a binary search to find the version which removed it, looked at the changelog for that version, found the PR.

That's the type ParquetFileArrowReader was deprecated for, according to the deprecation notice :slightly_smiling_face: