Where is the definition of break_value()?

from the src of core library, there is this function, but its definition is nowhere to be found. any idea?


    fn find<P>(&mut self, mut predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item> where
        Self: Sized,
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
        self.try_for_each(move |x| {
            if predicate(&x) { LoopState::Break(x) }
            else { LoopState::Continue(()) }


Found by this search: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/search?q=LoopState&unscoped_q=LoopState

Ah! thanks! that's when google is not very helping in this case!

FWIW, IntelliJ also works awesome for these kind of searches:

Note that that code is equivalent to just

    fn find<P>(&mut self, mut predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item> where
        Self: Sized,
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
        self.try_for_each(move |x| {
            if predicate(&x) { Err(x) }
            else { Ok(()) }

I just got myself super confused in the more complicated cases using Err in the successful path, so ended up adding the extra isomorphic-to-Result enum to try to clarify the intent of the code.