when &'a self bind a LifeTime , not support mutable more than once at a time!

It should be able to be modified twice。Because they all use the same of LifeTime.

pub struct NumberList<'a> {
    pub vec: Vec<&'a mut i32>,
    pub self_number: i32,

impl<'a> NumberList<'a>{
    pub fn push_self_number(&'a mut self) {

pub fn test() {
    let mut n = NumberList {
        vec: vec![],
        self_number: 0,
//run test() result =>>>   
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `n` as mutable more than once at a time
   --> src\local_session.rs:298:5
296 |         n.push_self();
    |         - first mutable borrow occurs here
297 |     }
298 |     n.push_self();
    |     ^
    |     |
    |     second mutable borrow occurs here
    |     first borrow later used here

if you remove the LifeTime 'a

impl<'a> NumberList<'a>{
    pub fn push_self_number(&mut self) {
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
   --> src\local_session.rs:285:40
285 |         self.vec.push(self.self_number.borrow_mut());
    |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^

You're trying to create a self-referential struct with multiple mutable borrows of itself. That's disallowed in all manner of ways.

You should be aware that push_self_number(&mut self) takes a unique borrow of self, i.e., the entire struct. Thus you can't modify the vec when you've already got a unique reference to it. The rust ownership model also requires that types generally be relocatable in memory, and any struct with self-borrows cannot be moved without being invalidated, so it isn't so easy to construct such a thing.

It is best to think of &mut as offering you mutually exclusive access to data, not merely allowing mutation of it.

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