What's the idiomatic way to write this?

What would be the idiomatic way to write an array that grows automatically (at compile time) when I add an item to an enum?

In C I do this:

typedef enum {
} foo_t;

int my_array[FOO_COUNT];

This allows me to write code like this, that continues to work just fine when I add a D item before FOO_COUNT in my enum definition.

void foo_init() {
    for (int i = 0; i < FOO_COUNT; i++) {
        my_array[i] = i;

What's the idiomatic way to write this in Rust?I know you can literally translate this in Rust (playground), but I would hardly consider that "idiomatic".

There's no built in way to count the number of variants of an enum, but there are crates such as variant-count that can do it.

use variant_count::VariantCount;

enum Test {

assert_eq!(Test::VARIANT_COUNT, 3);

The Test::VARIANT_COUNT constant will be a compile-time constant, so you can use it as the length of an array.

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If you're just using the array to list the values of the enum, you could use something like strum_macros::EnumIter.

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Maybe you can model this as a match statement instead? probably less performant though.

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